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Liquid Soap (Body Gel) Picture Heavy - for you Hibiscus


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ok, HP/ Stove Top/ Dbl boiler method - from Liquid Soap by Cavitch...

After first soupy trace, Turning to Taffy Thicker Taffy


1. Pushed Aside to see bottom for lye seperation, none present Yippy.

2. About 2.5 hours after cook phase - clearly not enough time. We're looking for a transparent look...


2.5 hours later... this is what we're looking for.


Stored for a week in the fridge (you can store this as long as you'd like to..I usually dilute the entire batch but I went with 2 lbs)...

I reheated the 2 lbs in a dbl boiler..... I couldn't wait for the 2 lbs to re-heat so I just transfered the pot to direct heat.


...continued........ I'll post the rest of the pic's in a second. I'm not sure how many photo's you can add.......

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Water, Veg. Glycerin, Alcohol & 33% Borax Sol.


paste diluting.... it takes FOREVER.. I had to use 3 - 4 x's more alcohol to dilute... all of it evaporated.



All of paste diluted FINALLY!!


Frothy Bubbles went down After cooking a few minutes...


1. Strained (I'll dilute what I strained later)

2. Put into 64 oz bottle (not trans. because of bubbles and lots of movement.)

3. ..... PH at 10 and bottle....




Not clear because of stirring fragrance, honey and color in... (I reheat in thr mic. before I add additives)


VOILA... Pictures taken at work.. I had to bring the bottle with me..*l*



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I forgot to add this is the forst post.... I insulate... the book doesn't say to do so, but I do it because heat is key... I put the top to the steel pot on then the towels then the other topsy tirvy top... *s*


Thank You WildAngel! It hold up really well actually.

I put the whole thing on my yahoo 360 page..


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:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: WOW! I don't feel so lonely anymore:highfive: I did't use alcohol to dilute my soap (distilled water) I wonder what the difference is. You did a great job! thanks for the pictures. Have you showered with it? I made two batches today..that's two more gallons. I would have made more but I had to stop for a dr.s appt:sad2:

Congrats!. Since I doubled my recipe I no longer see gel/paste stage and the time is shorter. Two hours and 15 minutes and I'm ready to dilute wohooo! also If you just put it in the pot or bucket and pour the hot water over it (after breaking into small chunks) it will do all the rest with a little stir every now and then. Takes a few days but i'm ok with that. Now I have two gallons of soap/shower gel I bought from essentialbycatalina that I will probably turn into cleaning soap..a little bleach and it's a disinfectant dishwashing liquid...hahahahah

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It is painstakingly long.... but worth every minute..... 6 lbs of paste makes a lot of soap so my customers and I will be set for a while....

Hibiscus I always use my own body gel to shower (and wash my hands)...I haven't bought a bottle of commercial soap since December of last year....

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LaVida, thank you for that. I'm dying to try some (Hibiscus and I have been PMing about this) but I just can't find the time or energy! I don't have the preservtive or PH strips yet either

I recall reading on about that there was no need for a preservative if the ph test was low enough or was that high enough.(gotta get strips too)..ok I'm getting confused here. But I can understand about the energy thing. I wake up tired sometimes and I really hate that because those days I have to force myself to do something if it's nothing more than reviewing my notes or testing stuff. And it seems theres never enough time for everything..arrghhh. BUT there is a time for everything;)

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Borax is dirt cheap anywhere....Boric Acid can be picked up from your pharmacy.. that's where I got mine (I haven't used it... don't think I will..).....

I can't find borax anywhere but I can find the boric acid in the form of ant killer. I forgot the brand. I haven't used the borax and I wonder if it makes the soap harsh. I did neutralize my first two batches with boric acid.

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I think lots of customers are looking now for alcohol free products, could that be the difference in using alcohol vs distilled water?

Now is this using KOH?

Yes, this is KOH. I was wondering more about the affect it has on the soap but I know there are those who prefer products without alcohol.:cheesy2:
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I think lots of customers are looking now for alcohol free products, could that be the difference in using alcohol vs distilled water?

Now is this using KOH?

There isn't any alcohol in the final product... it evaporated.... alcohol evaporates before the water and this is why you weigh your pot before you put it back on the stove AFTER placing the alcohol in it as well as monitoring how many ounces of alcohol then water evaporates. I use Distilled water.... Yes, it's KOH.....

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I recall reading on about that there was no need for a preservative if the ph test was low enough or was that high enough.(gotta get strips too)..ok I'm getting confused here. But I can understand about the energy thing. I wake up tired sometimes and I really hate that because those days I have to force myself to do something if it's nothing more than reviewing my notes or testing stuff. And it seems theres never enough time for everything..arrghhh. BUT there is a time for everything;)

I'm totally with you... I ALWAYS wake up tired... this is why I did this soap in two weekends. I stored the paste on the Sunday before last and diluted this past Sunday.... We need to put our brains to bed as well as our body... it's hard to though, so I'm not really sure how....

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Yes, this is KOH. I was wondering more about the affect it has on the soap but I know there are those who prefer products without alcohol.:cheesy2:

Alcohol can thin your product.... I don't use it anymore because of that fact. I used to use a castille base and add 120 proof vodka... but it did thin the product.... a LOT....

I can't find borax anywhere but I can find the boric acid in the form of ant killer. I forgot the brand. I haven't used the borax and I wonder if it makes the soap harsh. I did neutralize my first two batches with boric acid.

I use the 33% borax solution (made of 6 oz of boiled distilled water to 2 oz borax).. then only 2 tbs of the solution per lb of soap... you use this to emulsify, thicken, and neutralize (<-- this is most important)..... If your soap isn't neutralized it will be at a high ph of 12 - 13... 10 is good and it stays at 10.
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Okay...so I had to pull out my book by Failor ...(and dust it off...hachoo)

Now it states that to neutralize, you don't need to use all the options of borax, citric & boric acid...you can choose one of them. Is that right? But borax will thicken & neutralize at the same time.

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