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please give your opinions on logo


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If you're pine lodge shouldn't you have something that looks like a pine lodge?

JMO. Neither one of these do. Both are creative and fine, but I guess I would be thinking ok whatever. The first looks more like fence and grass and that thing on the hill is hidden. The second looks like a house and not a lodge.

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They are both beautiful - but the first one rocks - very nature oriented - leaves you to the imagination, which makes it personal to those buying your products. You can see yourself standing there in the picture with the wind blowing and smelling the country air - love it!


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I like the font on the first one better. I too vote for totally different pics all together. The second one looks like an advertisement for a big house or something...........But the "idea" of the first one is good.....

for what my opinion is worth...


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I like them both.

I too prefer the lettering on the first one. I also like how it is less cluttered. But I prefer the photo on the second picture. The first pic doesn't automatically give me the thought of a pine lodge. I thought it was more of a western theme. I can see in the distance the house. But I had to zoom in to see it. When the label is downsized I don't think you will be able to see the cabin at all.

I've been busy working on labels for my candles. I ran into the size issue & detail when I printed them up. I spent hours adding detail to my labels. I was working at 400% size so I could see every thing great. Once I printed them up all those hours I found out were waisted.

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I like the first one much better.....the second one doesn't fit the name I don't think. The first one is more rustic and natural but I too would find even a different picture to use........on the same idea as the first but maybe a little more of a Pine Lodge in the background somewhere visable?

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I like the first one better but would like it even more if you could find a way to pull the picture of the log home closer to the forefront. The building in the second one reminds me more of a modular home than a pine lodge.

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I like the first one better but would like it even more if you could find a way to pull the picture of the log home closer to the forefront. The building in the second one reminds me more of a modular home than a pine lodge.

Im not sure what a modular home is but they are the same house, my house thats been there for over 20 years :)

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lol they are the same house :)

I was just wondering if they were lol. Can you get a pic of it kind of in between the two you have? I like that the first one shows the fence and prairie or pasture or whatever.. but I suppose it would be hard to get that, and not have the house so close up?? Just a thought.

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