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A quick rant


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Must be a supplier.

Me? A supplier? Hardly. Wouldn't want that job for all the tea in China. Damned if you do, damned if you don't job, especially dealing with women.

You? A retired mod? Or a fired mod? lol :shocked2:

My point is (which you can't seem to grasp, although it's simple) is

if you don't like receiving a newsletter, be it JS or BCN or ICS etc, you have the option of deleting the email. It's really very simple. Here's a thought.

Unsubscribe. Wow. Now why didn't you think of that?

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Here, I created a site so that you can view the newsletter.


Hmm, a bizarre manner in which to use a company newsletter!

It feels to me like a bit of heavy salesmanship (is that a word) with the weekly newsletter & if I was in an bricks & mortar shop & was pounced on by sales staff it would put me off from buying, but at least you can unsubscribe from the newsletter & just check in with the website occassionally.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion & just because some oils don't work well for some people & they talk about it doesn't mean they should then be ridiculed.....this world's a difficult enough place to live in without unnecessary unpleasantness like that. Having made candles for years & only recently started using fragrance in them I value my customers & testers feedback & I know it's not personal (well it hasn't been yet!).

The way I see it is the feedback will help me to perfect my products over time.

I haven't used the company in question yet but if I find something that I want to try & the price is right then I'll give it a go....unless I'm now blacklisted for having a personal opinion..& if that were to happen well I wouldn't give a flying f*** about it & I wouldn't rant about it in a company newsletter....I'd share it with you all here!


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Me? A supplier? Hardly. Wouldn't want that job for all the tea in China. Damned if you do, damned if you don't job, especially dealing with women.

You? A retired mod? Or a fired mod? lol :shocked2:

My point is (which you can't seem to grasp, although it's simple) is

if you don't like receiving a newsletter, be it JS or BCN or ICS etc, you have the option of deleting the email. It's really very simple. Here's a thought.

Unsubscribe. Wow. Now why didn't you think of that?

ROFLMO I must be a fired mod, I'm a woman. We got you point about deleting, unsubcribing etc.... on your first post. Natty has a right to express her feelings without getting beat up.

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Hmm, a bizarre manner in which to use a company newsletter!

I haven't used the company in question yet but if I find something that I want to try & the price is right then I'll give it a go....unless I'm now blacklisted for having a personal opinion..& if that were to happen well I wouldn't give a flying f*** about it & I wouldn't rant about it in a company newsletter....I'd share it with you all here!


Considering all the no throw complaints, watery seeming, and comments about crap floating around in the fo, I have one word. WHY? With so many great suppliers, why would you subject yourself to something like that.

With Just Scents, the price is always right. It is the most obvious example of getting what you pay for.

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ROFLMO I must be a fired mod, I'm a woman. We got you point about deleting, unsubcribing etc.... on your first post. Natty has a right to express her feelings without getting beat up.

As do I and everyone else who participates on a message board.


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As do I and everyone else who participates on a message board.


That is true Waxwench...however, you need to do as you preach. You have stated OVER and OVER about the whole delete thing....EVERYONE GETS IT. Move on.

Are we not allowed to discuss things further? Are we all to walk your path to deletion?

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One simple point (delete) can't be understood when you have a pea sized brain. It's ok. I understand.

Enough already.

I don't care who/what/where you came from, but you're openly rude and uncalled for personal attacks are BEYOND childish. If you are all about the delete button, why don't you hit it on your browser when it arrives at this URL?

We don't need your personality here, sorry. Oh wait, I am not sorry.

Discussion is one thing- but repeatly violating the TOS is not.

Go find another hole to crawl back into. We D E S P I S E trolls here.

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wow who knew one messge could cause such an uproar! i havent bought any FO from any site because of the money issue lol plus i am still starting out and all so who would yall recomend? i have heard both good and bad about JS but i have yet to have my own opnion about them! so that being said who are good suppliers and who should i shy away from?

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wow who knew one messge could cause such an uproar! i havent bought any FO from any site because of the money issue lol plus i am still starting out and all so who would yall recomend? i have heard both good and bad about JS but i have yet to have my own opnion about them! so that being said who are good suppliers and who should i shy away from?

LOL...think you may need to start a new thread with that question.

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Back to the original topic...unsubscribe from the newsletter. There is one a week, on Saturday...if it's too much for you delete and move on.

I agree, there are a lot of "sales" at JS. It seems to have worked for them.

As a side note, with the issues that Kimberly is speaking of, remember that there are two sides of every story and we're only hearing one side. I think many times we hear one side of things and have no idea what happened on the other side.

Yes, I like JS. Not all of her oils work for me. But I have several that do and consistently sell well for me. I personally didn't have great luck with ICS, NG, BCN, etc but I don't complain about them every chance I get. I had a horrible experience with AGE and I will never order from them no matter how incredible their products are...again, I don't ever say anything about that company.

This post is nothing against Kimberly, I think she's an amazing chandler (as well as incredible b&b products), I just hate to see other people getting pissy when we don't know the whole story.

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Back to the original topic...unsubscribe from the newsletter. There is one a week, on Saturday...if it's too much for you delete and move on.

I agree, there are a lot of "sales" at JS. It seems to have worked for them.

As a side note, with the issues that Kimberly is speaking of, remember that there are two sides of every story and we're only hearing one side. I think many times we hear one side of things and have no idea what happened on the other side.

Yes, I like JS. Not all of her oils work for me. But I have several that do and consistently sell well for me. I personally didn't have great luck with ICS, NG, BCN, etc but I don't complain about them every chance I get. I had a horrible experience with AGE and I will never order from them no matter how incredible their products are...again, I don't ever say anything about that company.

This post is nothing against Kimberly, I think she's an amazing chandler (as well as incredible b&b products), I just hate to see other people getting pissy when we don't know the whole story.

Trish...I like you and I mean no disrespect here...but why would I say she did that if she didnt? Becky is a supplier and I know she trolls this board and another board obviously or she would not have been able to print out my posts and send them to me. A supplier, IMO, needs to be impartial. And even if you dont believe what she did to me, you have to admit her using her newsletter to belittle people because they dont like her business practices or her FO's...well that is a little over the top to me.

I know you talk to her all the time and you like her as a person. I did too until she pulled her stunt.

I give credit where credit is due. I have always maintained that JS Chestnuts and Brown Sugar was the bomb. In a pinch I could use a few others I just prefer not to because I can get much stronger FO. I have also alwyas said I thought Becky was a nice person and fun to talk to. She just didnt like it because we are not afraid to speak up and say her FO's are not all that. I even told her that her Baked apple Pie sucked and that I could not get it to throw ...she told me it was my wax. Funny thing I have no problem getting throw from any of my other suppliers.

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The other thing too - and plenty of people have said this - when anyone says anything in the least bit negative about this company like certain FOs don't throw for them, they mysteriously stop getting JS' newsletter (as if if any of us care). And it doesn't matter if they say the owner is nice or her CS is great. Just one "negative" comment and the newsletter will stop coming to you. A little suspect if you ask me. ;)

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5 pages of nothing but blowing hot air!

Too funny!

I'm right. No, I'm right.


Thanks for the entertainment after a long day's work!

Waxwench, Natty Cat expressed an opinion, you stirred this pot obviously for your own entertainment. That has always been your only contribution to this board. Glad you had a good time.

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I know. Hitting that delete button is just more than a person can take huh?

Geeze Louise. Bitch if your water is wet too?

it is sad that people cant get on here and present their opinions about some topics, only to have people like this pipe in and start this kind of crap. I have been a member of this forum for quite awhile, but its people like this that keep me away... some people just have to get on here and intentionally start stuff.... they live for it.. and personally, I think it sux... but thats just my opinion..... im sure there will be a very witty come back to this... but oh well..... life happens.

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The other thing too - and plenty of people have said this - when anyone says anything in the least bit negative about this company like certain FOs don't throw for them, they mysteriously stop getting JS' newsletter (as if if any of us care). And it doesn't matter if they say the owner is nice or her CS is great. Just one "negative" comment and the newsletter will stop coming to you. A little suspect if you ask me. ;)

Speaking of mysteriously getting kicked off the newsletter list, did anyone get a newsletter this weekend?

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