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Totally Lickable Scents


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I just experienced one of those oh my gosh I freaking LOVE this scent moments. The scent I'm talking about is Purely Herbal from BCN. I had a small sample of it and used it in a test batch and Hel-LO momma loves it. Keep walking by the bar and smelling it, bathing with the bar before a good cure, 'cause I can't control myself... :P

Plain OMH (no scent, just the oats, honey and CCM) do this to me, too. And Peak Apple Pie. Oh my gooness, make me wanna eat the bar. Bliss.

So I'm wondering - what scents do you have that makes you go dayum that's good!!

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Isn't it cool when you find "that" scent? LOL Glad Mama is happpy :)

Right now my sniffer is tuned to Sandalwood Vanilla - I just cut a test log and the smell is drifting up the stairwell so I can smell it as I type. I can see why people like this.

And for some reason I'm still stuck on Honeysuckle. No matter what soap I use, I have to finish my shower with a Honeysuckle bar lol..

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San. Van!! I just ordered some of that and can't wait to get it, soap it and smell it.

You know, Robin, I'm going to have to get me some of that Honeysuckle. I've heard you mention it before and you've got me intrigued. :P

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Lovespell used to be one that made me just go "yum" but I lost it for Lovespell.

I'm on the hunt for a Lemon one now. Picked up London Lemon Curd from SW and hoping that will be as delicious as it sounds.

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All of those scents sound soo wonderful, especially that Sandalwood vanilla.

I'm with Robin, I just put some honeysuckle in a few candles, and although I'm not burning them yet, I keep sniffin' em up-yummm. :D

I'm really diggin' my OM&H soap I made, but also like Robin, no matter if I'm using that soap, I have lately still bee finishing up my shower with the White tea & ginger bar that Satin Ducky (Cheryl) sent me. I really think that's my favorite (for right now ;) ) I've made votives, a couple of candles, and am definitely going to be making some soap with it, since I've almost used up Cheryl's bar.

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