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Hurricane Help!

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I've been making hurricane/luminaries for a few weeks now. While I think they're coming out pretty cool I'm having problems getting them out of the molds and when I put them in the freezer for a few minutes (maybe 10) the wax cracks.

This is what I'm using:

started with 4w x 4.5h molds; now am using 5.5w x 4h

straight paraffin wax - from Yaley

no additives

seamless aluminum molds

Does anyone use mold release? I would think this would cause a problem with trying to get the picture to stick to the mold ... I also think I could be wrong! :D

Also - what do you use to plug the holes - I didn't have a problem with the smaller molds, but keep having the wax leak out of the larger molds - I may be pouring too hot - approx 185 - and that's what I think it's suppose to be.

Thanks for any suggestions.

BTW - I've found so many new things to try here I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for putting me in even more debt! :P

Have a great weekend!!


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I've been making hurricane/luminaries for a few weeks now. While I think they're coming out pretty cool I'm having problems getting them out of the molds and when I put them in the freezer for a few minutes (maybe 10) the wax cracks.

This is what I'm using:

started with 4w x 4.5h molds; now am using 5.5w x 4h

straight paraffin wax - from Yaley

no additives

Does anyone use mold release? I would think this would cause a problem with trying to get the picture to stick to the mold ... I also think I could be wrong! :D

Also - what do you use to plug the holes - I didn't have a problem with the smaller molds, but keep having the wax leak out of the larger molds - I may be pouring too hot - approx 185 - and that's what I think it's suppose to be.

Thanks for any suggestions.

BTW - I've found so many new things to try here I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for putting me in even more debt! :P

Have a great weekend!!


For metal/tin molds use business card magnets, on the bottom of the mold, they hold great.

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Thanks Candleman!

I edited my already lengthy post to say I'm actually using aluminum molds.

Great idea about the magnets though - I'll have to remember that for use on metal molds ... and I've got rolls of magnets for another craft thingy we do.!

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Well.......first of all......never put them in the freezer....only the refrigerator. Check them in 5 minutes. Seriously. I use micro 180 (1/2 oz pp) and that helps with the cracking.

You can use little rubber plugs to cover the holes....candle supply places sell them cheap. Or.....if you don't want the holes there, you can seal them with Goop. It lasts for years or maybe even forever. I pour canes at 200 and they don't leak even with the rubber plugs. Also, the rubber plugs can be removed and that releases the suction and the candles come out much easier. Hope this helps a bit. Donita

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