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wax build up

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Can't help with zinc wicks.......I hate 'em!! :D But in a jar that size with soy/paraffin blend I double wick with (2) LX 14's. You may want to try double wicking with (2) smaller zincs, or try a bigger single wick......sorry not much help!! :cool2:

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why do you hate zinc wicks? I've never tried any others but I ordered some sample packs this morning. By the way...how deep is your melt pool? I'm wondering too if maybe I filled the jars to much. I don't know!

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The reason why some people hate zinc wicks is because they mushroom like crazy and because they leave that unsightly wire exposed while it burns. There are others who love them and are not bothered by it at all. Sorry, but I can't recommend a zinc wick size for you since I only used them very briefly in votives several years ago. I'm sure a zinc wick lover will chime in soon enough and offer you some help. Good luck.

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I don't use that jar or wax - but I've heard the same thing - the mushrooms. However, it really depends on the wax I'm finding. I tried them in 1343 and a pillar soy/paraffin blend - and it was as described. I put them aside, thinking I'd not try them again most likely. Then someone posted how they were doing great in her parasoy blend so I figured I'd give them a go again. I'm testing them in two different parasoy container blends and they are mushrooming no more than either CDs or Hemps* - sometimes they mushroom LESS - and the burns are more graceful without all that jumping around. So I really feel they do well in certain wax formulas. If that is only a three inch container, I would still try to single wick it - JMO.

* I know people think Hemps mushroom too - but again, doesn't seem like they are doing it any more than any other cored or even coreless wick that I've tested (which I'll admit was limited to only 3 other types at this point).

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Like Fern said.......they mushrooms, they smoke......they just suck!! :D I just used them for a brief time when I first started years ago and there weren't all the choices there is now. But, I know others who swear by them, so it's just a matter of personal preference. The largest of the LX series, LX30, won't cut it as a single wick for me in that size jar, but I never used your wax, so you could try it. I personally like to double wick any jar that is 3" or more, as I get a better, cleaner burn and great throw! :cool2:

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