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Yellowish - which is the culpret?


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My Flannel Sheets' blue swirls turned out green cause my soap is yellowish.

So I did a little batch to see if it was the FO or the soap. It was the soap :(

So which is the culpret for the yellowed soap?

Palm Oil 20%

Olive Oil 20%

Rice Bran Oil 20%

Coconut Oil 15%

PKO 10%

Mango Butter 5%

Shea Butter 5%

Castor Oil 5%

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Some say Palm will discolor soap, It has never done this with my soaps though. I have not used PKO so can't say about that. Just used mango

for the first time in soap today so will find out and the RBO I am not that

familiar with that as well, so I guess I have not been much help, sorry.

I had a lily of the valley fo that when I added it to soap it turned it pink

after sitting a couple of days the soap went back to white. So maybe there

is still hope for yours yet.

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Oh agreed - I love natural colored soaps. But I had my heart set on a blue swirl...

I'll keep that in mind about the lard. I love lard (yes, I do cook with it - use it cold for half the butter in choc. chip cookies and they won'tget as flat and its yummy for fried eggs - cholesterol be damned! LOL) and most importantly they have it in the Pathmark down the street! The Palm Oil I have to get from Whole Foods...

Once I have my recipes set (someday, over the rainbow) I'll order in bulk, but until then...

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I wasn't sure, so I made a little batch with no FO at all. Still yellowish.

Now that batch is still in the mold (soft, very soft) since I only made it early this afternoon (CP) so maybe it'll whiten up - maybe....

Any way to hurry this up? I got two soft batches I'm just dying to unmold!!! LOL

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Mostly the same ingredients as you sent me the other day (you didn't give %s). But I didn't have Babassu or whatever that is so I subbed PKO I think.

Maybe I messed something up, I'm going to make another non-FO batch (a tiny one, now that I discovered my daughter doesn't miss her jewelry box at all) and make sure I used all the right stuff.

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