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Ambra del Nepal goat milk CP (cut pic 1st post)


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Here's a coloring experiment I tried today with goat milk CP. Before I added Ambra del Nepal FO from SW, I pulled out about 4 cups of raw soap. I tinted about a cup of it with gold mica and the rest with brick red oxide for swirling in the mold. Here's what it looks like now:


The notes on this FO said it would discolor to milk chocolate brown and I'm counting on it! I'm going to leave this one sitting out uncovered and let it take its time without gelling (hopefully). The gold mica looks lovely in the sun even though it's not apparent in this photo and I hope the swirl colors stay true while the rest discolors. :cheesy2: This is my first experience with this FO - it smells just lovely...

Thanks for checking it out!

After gelling (I couldn't stop that process) and being soap for one day here's how it looks. (Took the picture in the light box I made for just a few bucks. Figuring out where to position the lights has a little learning curve, but it beats trying to find natural light!) Anyway, here are the bars:


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Brenda, for us people who are researching and about to leap into soap making, you need to do a tutorial on how you make such beautiful swirls girl! They always amaze me! I always love looking at your gallery photos!

Cant wait to see this batch cut. Be sure to update us with photos!

God Bless,


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