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Anybody know of a mud mask recipe?


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I've been looking into maybe offering mud masks as a part of my line, but the info I got from From Nature with Love says that the mask needs to be used immediately after mixing your clay and water.

If I were to use for instance, my clay, distilled water, and a preservative, do you think this would hold up? I guess I'm answering my own question about testing, but was wondering if anyone had tried this, or offers it themselves.

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I used the recipe on the WSP site..and bought all the stuff to do it..well it stinks..smells like PUKE. so don't try that one. yuck ..eww..nasty.. it worked great but stank big time. :lipsrseal

Sorry can't help you with a good one..after tying that one..I vowed to not do it again...I will buy premade.:D

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May I make a suggestion..you can also sell your Mud Mask as a dry formula...this will solve your problem of the water and preservative issue.. you can add a label with directions....and the shelf life would be even longer....You could package them in the larger foil samples from Kangaroo Blue...HTH's

Hugs Maggie

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I would package it dry, and maybe add a little scooper with it, just a tiny one so they could scoop it into their palm and add water. That way they dont waste it, etc.

I am working on one now with rose absolute as it is really good for mature skin especially. I might package it dry with a bottle of the absolute for them to mix to their pleasure, plus rose absolute is supposed to be a natural antibacterial.

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The dry masks never sold well for me. I thought the idea was a brilliant one and I still do. But I found that most of my customers just wanted to apply it without fiddling around and mixing stuff. Just some food for thought...

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I made mine wet as well, and I added Germaben II at the normal rate, it kept very well. The only thing that I didn't expect was that making it wet took literally almost 10x the amount of clays, since it soaks up so much moisture, to make a good product that didn't get too hard after a few weeks. It was frustrating, and not to mention - HEAVY as sin which threw shipping to the wind.

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