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Oils & Butters in M&P


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Ok experts, I need your help. I mentioned to someone that although my m&p soaps smell great when you're bathing with them, they don't leave any lingering scent on your skin.

The person told me that was because m&p doesn't have oils that stay on the skin after your rinse the soap off, and therefore no fragrance to bind to the skin. I don't know if this is true or not, but it sounded good. Does anyone know if this is true?

Anyway, I thought I would try adding jojoba oil, since it's pretty odorless, not supposed to go rancid and it's used for moisturizing.

Every maker of m&p says not to add extra oils because it could cut down on the lather. I added about 2 oz. of shea butter to a 5 lb batch of soap I made and couldn't tell a difference in anything--it didn't affect the lather or fragrance. Maybe it was because I added such a small amount.

So, when I try adding oil, does anyone have a suggestion for how much I should add to a 5 lb batch, or if it's even a good idea to do it? I have visions of my soap not solidifying because I add too much oil.

I know someone said they routinely add extra stuff to their soap--was it Prairieannie? Any thoughts are appreciated!

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I've never had one not solidify but I have had a couple that were just way too soft. I usually stick with about 1 tbsp of oil per pound of m&p. Don't know what you really get out of it but it doesn't adversly effect the end bar.


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Yeah, that was me.. always adding a bunch of "stuff" to my MP soap, and I finally settled on the idea that no two batches will ever really be exactly the same.. I soap (MP) like I cook.. a little of this and a little of that ;)

I use jojoba oil a LOT! It's a silky kind of addition to my soaps, and I just love it.. but overdoing any kind of oil or butter really can make it too soft, although I've never had one not solidify. There have been times when I've had to go ahead and cut the soap and let them sit out and air cure. This makes the bars that seemed to be just a tad oily on top get completely dry and they make a LOVELY bar of soap.

For a 5 lb batch of soap, I add about 2oz of shea, 2oz of mango, an ounce or two of glycerine, and around 2-3 oz of jojoba oil. Again, there have been times when the log has a oily top, and when this happens, I cut it and air dry it for 24 hours or so. The oil absorbs completely, and the result is a really really nice bar of luxuriously lathering soap. The added glycerine I believe is very helpful for the bubbly lather, and I'm still not sure if the pinch or two of sugar I toss in the pot helps the lather anymore, or just fends off the fairies!! At any rate, I've not had to toss a single batch of MP soap out.. it sells like crazy and the repeat business tells me that I'm doing something right!

Forgot to mention that maybe the glycerine ANd the jojoba will help with the lingering scent you are looking for. I'm still unsure at this point what it is exactly, but from the feedback I've got from board members in swaps, the scent in my soap lingers quite awhile. I hope that you'll post after you've tried the jojoba and let me know if it helped. Additionally, I'm not too stingy with the FO either lol.. I go about 1/2 pp of "stuff" and have been known to go a little higher with a lighter fragrance.

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