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Mixers: Yeah, but...

Lady Di

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Thanks to everyone who responded before. You've given me some really valuable opinions. Please bear with me on this subject just a little longer...

I was trying to duplicate a friend's recipe for shea souffle. Her's is as light as air -- mousse-like, not cream-like. (I can't find the words to describe her consistency! Airy, mousse, like a cloud, almost foamy, but not foam...) I followed her recipe ingredients with one exception... she used unrefined shea butter, and I used refined. She had used her Kitchenaid, and I had used my handheld. Mine turned out nothing like her's. Mine is like a cream.

The only thing I can think that made such a difference was her KA mixer. In shopping around, I've noticed that the KA and the Hamilton Beach (which is much cheaper) use a single beater which looks like a whisk. Do you think that this is the secret to getting the consistency I've described?

The other brands of stand mixers appear to use two beaters like my handheld does. I did not know about the heat factor of a handheld. But I'm really wondering if it is the whisk that sets the KA apart and gives you the really fluffy results.

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THe stand mixer actually whips at a much faster and stronger pulse than a handheld can. That's why you can whip cream in about 1 minute with a KA vs. 10 minutes for a handheld. You may not have enough power in your handheld to get enough air incorporate quickly enough to achieve a mousse - perhaps you could ask to borrow hers and see if that's the ticket. Sounds interesting, report back if you figure it out, okay?

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