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Smelly jelly jars

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I ordered the lids, crystals, and plastic insert covers from BCS. They fit on some 4 oz jars I got at the grocery store. I read somewhere that I could have used the same crystals I have bought at Home Depot for potting soil to hold water. Haven't checked since I already bought from BCS.

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I ordered the lids, crystals, and plastic insert covers from BCS. They fit on some 4 oz jars I got at the grocery store. I read somewhere that I could have used the same crystals I have bought at Home Depot for potting soil to hold water. Haven't checked since I already bought from BCS.

Luci, be careful. My understanding from the main manufacturer of the crystals is that there are two different versions of them.

See www.crystals.us for their info.

I get the jars from the supermarket or Wal-Mart, or online sites. The lids you will need to purchase from the online sites.

Now, I have not tried the garden version for smelly jelly. If you have and find that it's the same, power to you, and please give me a heads up.

One more thing...the plastic covers will melt from the FOs. Nasty mess.

I have them, tried them....run, don't walk, run.

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Thanks for the link, Fern-Marie. I went there and read a little bit and will go back to read more. I did read the recipe & it is almost the same except instead of the salt I used the vodka. I wasn't planning to use the garden version since I have more than enough of what I bought from BCS. However, I haven't noticed any problem with the plastic covers----yet! How long before they melt? What do you use instead?

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Thanks for the link, Fern-Marie. I went there and read a little bit and will go back to read more. I did read the recipe & it is almost the same except instead of the salt I used the vodka. I wasn't planning to use the garden version since I have more than enough of what I bought from BCS. However, I haven't noticed any problem with the plastic covers----yet! How long before they melt? What do you use instead?

I'm a bit confused, what are you you trying to get with these?

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I had to just keep the metal lids that came with them originally.

I put material over the metal to cover the goofy fruit basket. These are the ones from the stores.

The ones I got from Candle Science were attractive gold lids....ppl liked them. So I left those on and would add the Daisy lids on the side...freebie.

Haha, wait until one of those suckers melts onto your jelly. What a mess.

Mine didn't melt for a day or so. FO is very corrosive. Ugh...I shudder thinking about the mess. Watch out!

I think I remember that site saying something about the garden crystals are not good at holding FOs.

Also, I had a Black Cherry Smelly Jelly sitting on my shelf, unopened, for 4 years. I had added a pinch of salt, nothing else. Yet, not a bit of decay or mold. Looked and smelled as though it had just been packaged.

But don't add too much, it will 'dissolve' the crystals...just a pinch.

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Luci, I just went on the site and saw the 'pinch' of salt thing....that was my thing. The guy e-mailed me and asked if he could use it. I forgot to check to see if he did. I remembered when you mentioned that you saw it.

I had contacted him because the crystals were dissolving...only to realize that I had mad the mistake of adding too much salt. It had been so long since I had made them, I'd forgotten. He and I were e-mailing back and forth, and when I realized what I'd done, I told him. He'd never heard of using salt as a preservative. But after this one having sat on the shelf for so long, I can testify that it works.

He was relieved that it wasn't something gone wrong with his product, I can tell you that. lol

Isn't that the oddest thing.

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I'm a bit confused, what are you you trying to get with these?

It makes Air Freshener, "Smelly Jelly". You can also use it in Potpourri Pots.

You can continuously replenis it with Distilled Water, they last forever, I think.

But gardeners, and farmers use them to keep plants moist.

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I don't get it. I just went and checked on 4 jars I made in that one and only batch I did about a month ago. The plastic inserts are perfectly intact. I know it has been well over a month because I had 2 from that batch in different rooms in my house and while I was waiting on wax to cool I added more distilled water and fo to them since they were getting low. As far as the garden crystals, I think I'll just stick to the ones I bought that are marketed as for smelly jellies. The one time I bought some for potting plants, I spilled a bunch on my patio pavement. When it got wet, it made a horrible mess and I had a bad fall. Decided my plants didn't need them.

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It makes Air Freshener, "Smelly Jelly". You can also use it in Potpourri Pots.

You can continuously replenis it with Distilled Water, they last forever, I think.

But gardeners, and farmers use them to keep plants moist.

Lots of people around here in the parks sell the neck ties made with them. I bought one once at Universal Studios. You soak it in ice water for a while then tie it around your neck.

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I still haven't tried the cool down ties...I gotta do that!

I don't know what the deal is. Maybe I was just lucky enough to have purchased crappy covers....my luck.

Everytime I tried to use them they melted, and I mean to the point of goopy mess all over the smelly jelly. I don't know. How odd.

I'd like to use them. May I ask where you purchased your?

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I have just started working with the Smelly Jelly and I did use the garden crystals and distilled water. I did mine in Leather and called it Nu Car Scent. Instead of using the daisy lids we used the mason rings cut out a circle of a plastic canvas type (Think plastic) material for the scent to vent through. I have had it in the car for over a week and I show it to all of my customers and seem to have a big response from it. So far I am just testing but having great luck. The only thing that seems different with the garden crystals is that you have to use more to absorb your liquid.


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