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A Bohunks aha!


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Wracking my brains, I was, to figure out why Bohunks (or Holy Grail) is called emulsified and has e-wax in it when it is a water-free formula.

Last night as I was drifting off to sleep it suddenly came to me...

It is not emulsified, it's emulsifying! When you go to rinse it off, the water combines with the Bohunks to make like a lotion on your skin. OR it helps it from glomming up your shower floor.

I'm not sure which, cause I haven't tried it yet.

Did I get it right? Did I? Hunh? Did I?

Or am I full of bologna?


And don't say "doh" or that the info is all over CT, cause I'm really proud of myself for figuring this out.

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Bohunks #14, AKA Holy Grail (don't know for sure but I think they are variations of each other) are emulsifying Scrubs that contain no water but do have e-wax in the recipe(s).

Sounds really neat, everyone raves about it, there are like 5,000 threads on it. I'm gonna make me some...

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Robin says you're right and I'll take her word for it.

I always thought that it was called emulsified because it took oils and combined/emulsified them into a more solid form.

I thought the e-wax that I was adding kept the oils from seeping out.

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I always thought that it was called emulsified because it took oils and combined/emulsified them into a more solid form.

I thought the e-wax that I was adding kept the oils from seeping out.

Carrie, you are correct. A scrub that is not emulsified will separate and needs to be stirred before use. Emulsifiers are used in many product not containing water.

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Yes, emulsifiers allow water and oil to mix. The bohunk's recipe doesn't contain water so I couldn't figure out the purpose of the e-wax (i.ee, emulsifying-wax). Then I realized what will happen is that when water contacts the stuff (when you rinse it off your skin) the water will slightly combine with the butters and oils (thanks to the e-wax) and will leave a lotion like coating on your skin. Or at very least be more water soluble so it won't make the bottom of your shower quite so slippery cause it will rinse away better.

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