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I would say its to late, so i would just remelt wax and start again. i made one for my son's birthday... had to do it about 3 times to get it placed the way i wanted to, i learnt to measure my picture with the mold first, so after i printed it out it would sit on bottom with no show at top, i allowed extra copy paper at bottom. these are something i'll do only for special days, like my daughter's birthday is coming up, going (try) to do one for her.

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thanks for the fast response, I don't think I have time to redo. I'm gonna see how bad it looks. I made one, my first one, for my best friend of her son, the tip of his head was over the top and she liked it that way! I make these all the time in a round mold, I ruined it and ordered more but they didn't come yet so I did this one in a heart mold which is shorter. My mom will understand, I hope . But if its to bad I'll re do. Again, thanks much! Dee

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Hi Dee......I can tell you what I have done, but that takes experiments that might or might not work for you.....sounds like you want to use this candle and not take any chances. If a candle has a little blemish on it, I can overdip it in 200 degree wax and hold it there just long enough to make the surface smooth. If you want it shiny, then it has to go into a cool water bath immediately after pulling it out of the hot wax. It might not work the first time for you, but if you ever have time to experiment with this, it might just be a way to save a candle. Just a thought. Donita

PS....I have never had to do it on a photo cane......not since I learned how to embed. I use to glue on pictures and that's what I did. I can do a photo cane in a couple of minutes so I don't stress over them anymore. My mother was right when she kept telling me "practice makes perfect".....I almost quit before I got started with these, but as soon as they started working, something clicked and they are actually fun to do. Good luck.

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