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Peak's Midsummer Nights and Tuscan Nights


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Hi all, I'm having hard time trying to assign a category to some scents.

Now I put Tuscan Nights in the "floral" section, after reading the description.

I don't know what to do with Midsummer nights. I think I never smelled Drakkar.

Is it a dupe??

Is it a masculine scent?

What would you do with these scents?

Maybe I should drop categories.. it's getting hard!!

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Well on both of those scents I stuck them under masculine.

Now here's my take on midsummer's night. Some people think it's very close to Drakkar, but I don't. They may be similar, but I wouldn't try to pull it off as a Drakkar dupe. Midsummer's night is actually a Yankee blend. They may or may not have it protected. I can't remember and haven't quite awoken yet.

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I like Misummers Night a lot but I put is as a Unisex scent.. I would wear it..but it also has a manly tone to it as well. I have had a lot of women burn it because they like the scent so much. I don't know what Drakar smells like either but I like the scent.:D

Was not to fond of Tuscan Nights though.:undecided

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Thanks girls.

My sister smelled Midsummer night and she told me she find it very similar to Drakkar.

But I'll go with something like unisex or .. masculine.. or cologne.. I don't know!

I'm not too impressed by tuscan nights, but as I said on my site is a good choice for people who don't like sweet scents.

I think I should offer a bit for everyone. If it was for me I'd pour only pomegranate and white tea and ginger.

Oh Scented, yes YankIIII trademarked Midsummer Nights.

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Well here ya go ... order Drakkar from like BCN or Alabaster and compare it to Midsummer's Night ... I pick out a difference lol, but there are similarities. I know you live in Italy, so maybe one of those two companies will ship to you. I would, but I'm dangerously low on it.

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Thanks Scented, but for now I'm collecting samples to revamp (or better, to bring to life) a nice collection of scents to offer.

I'd like to be able to stick to one supplier, and in this case the supplier is Peak.

Their oils are the ones that gives me better result at 3-4%, and that means saving some money.

Them Alan and Nachelle are very kind and they charge me for shipping the EXACT postal rate.

I'm waiting for some JS samples too, but living here tends to add many complication.

Anyway I'm open to all possibilities!

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:rolleyes2 :confused: I don't care if it's drakkar or cool water or chanel nr 5, I'm not looking for drakkar, I was just trying to undertsand how to present this.

Since it's a Yankme dupe, and on yankme's site there is no written drakkar at all, I think they were not going for a dupe of drakkar.

Or just they can't say it?

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That's funny, how different everyone is - I LOVE Tuscan Nights. It's not something I'd grab off the shelf at a store, but the more i burn it, the more I love it. And see, I don't get a BIT of floral in it...I would call it herbal, or romantic. I can almost taste the basil in it. I've never smelled Midsummer's, so can't help you there, sorry. Just wanted to stick my nose in, LOL!

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Thanks Daniedb,

my category is named "from the garden", and this is where I put Tuscan Nights, but only after reading the description. I can't really smell anything floral in it, but I'm a disaster when trying to recogmize scents!!

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