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What is the Cadillac of Soy?

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It is all a matter of preference as with any wax. Look for a place closest to you and order a starter kit and go from there. You can use 100% soys that don't require additives or you can go with a blend. It just depends on what you want and end up liking. Everyone's tastes and opinions are so different that you just need to buy samples and see what works for you. Good luck.

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I don't think there really is a way to answer this question since it is a matter of preference and what you will live with (frosting, second pours, cauliflower tops ect) compared to what others will live with. I think you need to test all kinds of waxes before a person decides what wax they like.

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Okay, I should have been more specific. What soy wax or blend do you prefer? For container use. Thanks again.

HTH, :D . Remember, this is just my opinion based on my testing. I like the scent throw of pure soy (Eco-Pure Soy & GB 415) and imo it has a shorter cure time but don't like the ugly bumpy tops, yuck (pita to get rid of). I prefer GB 464 compared to Eco- Adv. and Eco 135. When I tested Eco-Adv., I got a lot of wet spots. They say it is supposed to pull away from the jar to give a uniform look, I just got a lot of wet spots. Also, even a really super strong scent requires 2 weeks (if not more) to cure with Eco-Adv. I just recently tested 15 Eco 135 compared it to GB464. The Eco CB to me still required alot of work on the tops compared to 464. I think the scent throw on these to are comparable and give less wet spots. I'm sticking to 464. Another plus, is 464 is cheaper (not in quality). hth ;)

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I think I know, but I won't try spoiling the surprise. :cool2:


C'MON GEEK!! I don't want to be suprised!!! Give us a hint...

Hey PM me the information... I won't tell anyone!!!! LOL:laugh2:

They will have to torture me first!!!

I'm sticking to 464. Another plus, is 464 is cheaper (not in quality).

I have to agree on the 464.. I like this wax also!!

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alrighty then......

back to the subject. IMO, I am a CBA user and like it alot. I'll take wet spots over frosting any day. I have had very consistent results, w/out throw issues.

I do also like the 464, but only if I don't color it.

I do agree- you should find the closest suppliers to you and try 2 or 3 types to see what YOU like working with, and what works for you.


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The best soy wax? It is coming out soon. ;)

How did you find out? Alright, the cat's out of the bag.....I'll go public now I guess.....I, Chris77, am going to perfect a formula blend using Candlewic's Soy125 and everyone will want it. It won't frost, it will hold 8% FO, and it will give beautiful tops. Oh yeah, did I mention everyone will want it? HAHAHAHA......:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

*pinch* *pinch*

Sorry, must have been dreaming there for a minute....do tell when it comes out please, I'd like to get in line!


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Huh? Is it just me, or is this type of code speak a bit perplexing, and just a tad bit annoying?

Not a bunch of code....just a group of people who for one enjoy each other and like to have some fun. Secondly, everyone who has been here for a long time has done there own testing and research and learned by experience. I have not been at candles for that long, but I have been a manager for years and it does not benefit my employees to always give them the answer when they ask...in the end it cripples them. It is my job to teach people how to find answers for themselves by asking them questions to help lead them to the answer. Sometimes I give the answer, but a lot of times with a little bit of guidance, they come to the answer on their own. Then they feel good because they figured it out and it gives them the courage to search out future answers instead of coming to me. As chandler's, we will never truly get anywhere and succeed on our own if we always have someone giving us all of the answers. If we did, our mentors would handicap us, teaching us not to think, and teaching us to be dependent.

Now I'm sure I'm going to get jumped for all of that, but that's ok. There is someone on the board that when I have questions, I get a straight answer and at times it's great. There are other times where the answer is a little vague, but I can see that this member is encouraging me to get my feet wet....ya know, put the carrot in front of the horses nose and watch them take off on their own to figure it out.

*stepping off soap box*

Have a great night....


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:D ooooohh, another wax to tempt me??? :drool: Was that all the hints we get? Guess I'd better go to work on it then!! Back to the original question, for what it's worth my two favorite waxes are 464 and KY125, which are both close to you, daisy, if I remember right that you are in TN
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Not a bunch of code....just a group of people who for one enjoy each other and like to have some fun. Secondly, everyone who has been here for a long time has done there own testing and research and learned by experience. I have not been at candles for that long, but I have been a manager for years and it does not benefit my employees to always give them the answer when they ask...in the end it cripples them. It is my job to teach people how to find answers for themselves by asking them questions to help lead them to the answer. Sometimes I give the answer, but a lot of times with a little bit of guidance, they come to the answer on their own. Then they feel good because they figured it out and it gives them the courage to search out future answers instead of coming to me. As chandler's, we will never truly get anywhere and succeed on our own if we always have someone giving us all of the answers. If we did, our mentors would handicap us, teaching us not to think, and teaching us to be dependent.

Now I'm sure I'm going to get jumped for all of that, but that's ok. There is someone on the board that when I have questions, I get a straight answer and at times it's great. There are other times where the answer is a little vague, but I can see that this member is encouraging me to get my feet wet....ya know, put the carrot in front of the horses nose and watch them take off on their own to figure it out.

*stepping off soap box*

Have a great night....


Not sure what on earth ANY of that has ANYTHING to do with ANY of what I said, however, I'm pretty tired just from reading it. :wink2:

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