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?? PVS Bubble Bath bar recipe


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The Bubble Bath Bar recipe on PVS calls for creme of tartar. Does anyone know what it is added for and if there is something that would make a good substitute for it? The creme of tartar comes in little tiny containers - or at least that is all I have been able to find. I made these today, but next time would like to sub something for the creme of tartar. But since I have no clue what it is added for, I have know idea what to sub for it. TIA!! :)


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This was talked about in another thread recently. I made some today and subbed corn starch for the cream of tartar. They came out awesome. Don't know how they compare to ones made with cream of tartar though. I wasn't able anything big either. I'm not sure where that thread is now, but try searching for it, you'll find your answers there I believe, but corn starch works well!

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Yeah I read a thread that was posted recently but it never said what the creme of tartar was for. Some said to sub corn starch but I'm wanting to know what it does in the bars so I can also know what other things besides corn starch can be subbed. I know in food you use it to make stiff peaks in Lemon Merigue pie so does it help to set the bars up? I made them last night using the creme of tartar and put them in my critter molds and in my Resting woman mold. They look really cute - I can't wait to try them. I'll make a batch with corn starch and see what the difference is, if any.

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I'm just a bit east of you,like 20 or so miles, In Hillsdale But we have to come to Cheyenne for everything- so we're pretty much in the same place :D I think we've talked about this before...not sure- if not there is another person in Cheyenne...which would blow my mind!! LOL

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ok so I made these last night... they were a bit crumbly cause I ran out of glycering but they are wonderful! didnt wait for them to dry lol... I used one last night.

at first i killed the bubbles with my shave soap...opps... but then I turned on the jets and in under a min I had a tub full of movie bubbles... you know what I mean!

Wonderful!! Cant wait to get some feedback from some testers and make some more!!!

oh and this batch was scented Tropical Papaya. I will get a pic on here soon too.

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Hey Scented - good morning! I've heard that too and will be trying it. It will probably be Saturday. You can get creme of tartar at Lotion Crafters for a pretty good price - here's the link:


edited to add link

It says on there too that creme of tartar acts a stabilizer. That's what I wanted to know. :)

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Meredith, you should also be able to buy cream of tartar at any grocery store that sells bulk spices/herbs/baking ingredients, maybe at your health food store. Check the price out there, it might be cheaper than buying online when you have to pay shipping.

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Yah I was thinking maybe Costco or Sams Club may sell a big jar/container of the cream of Tartar like they do the seasonings???

I may ask my mom to check it out for me since she has a Costco card and I don't. ;)

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