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70/30 and EZSoy

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I know that the 70/30 is a blend, but these are the two I am having a hell of a time deciding between. BCN is closer to me than GL but I am not really factoring in price much. I have tried the 70/30 and really liked it but have heard good things about EZSoy. If you have tried them both and prefer one over the other, can you please tell me why?

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These are 2 totally different waxes, like comparing apples to oranges. They both have their pros and cons. Just for your own peace of mind, I would get a sample of the Ezsoy and do a comparison yourself. I use EZsoy, but have tried the GL 70/30 blend. I am partial to the EZsoy, because I have used it for so long and I think it throws most of the FO's I have tried in it, well. I have found with blends, that sometimes they don't throw a lot of my FO's as well as my straight soy does. But then there are FO's that my soy doesn't throw, that are kickers in the blends. The straight soy is a lot more work, to get a nice looking candle, than the blends, IMO. The blends have the paraffin in them to make them a breeze to pour and look great after setting up. So they both have pros and cons. But I would really get a sample of both and compare them with some of your favorite FO's to see what is going to work best for you.

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I started out using EZ Soy and I hated it. Frosting, fo seepage, cottage cheese, the whole nine.

I got a sample of the 70/30 blend and i fell in love with it. Even though its 30 % paraffin I sometimes will mix 20% EZ Soy into it to make the ratio more soy. I live on the east coast and green leaf is expensive. Brenda is working on getting a warehouse here on the east coast to ship this wax to us cheaper. To me its not the cost but the quality. you get what you pay for and your porduct will reflect that.

Some people love the EZ Soy and have great success with it. but for me it just wasnt working.

I would keep testing it for a little bit longer and see if you can get it to work. sometimes it just takes a little frustration and venting to get it right:D

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I agree with you on the great throw with EZsoy ... I blend it with another wax and it makes wicking so much easier.


But I switched to 415 because shipping is less expensive for me.

Cold throw is just as good with the 415.

(Which some say is very similar, or is the same as the EZ Soy):wink2:

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Maybe not the type, but I did wick down.

There is no harm in testing other types though when you switch waxes. I use LX wicks but now that I finally got other types I'll be seeing if any of them work better. Specifically I am looking to minimize the flame dancing primiarly.

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