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Agbanga Karite - neat stuff


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EDITED: The shea did solidfy as it sat in my (relatively) cool house. It is super neat - soft enough, as Crafty1 says, to cut with a knife but definately on the firm side. The stickiness mostly went away as it cooled down. I LOVE IT. And cannot wait to work with it.


How hard is the stuff? I've only had refined Shea from FNWL (the grainy stuff).

This is REALLY different. It's sticky and kinda the texture of PlayDoh, but it just came off the mail truck and so it's on the warm side.

Just wondering what the texture is generally like.

Cannot WAIT to get to know this stuff! Drat, I have company all weekend! Hmmm. Good thing I'm unemployed so I have next week. Maybe I'll have to cancel that interview on Monday.... Nah, better not (need $$ to buy more stuff).

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Well, the shea hardened up beautifully. I think the warmth in shipping made it softer - which makes perfect sense. I love the stuff and already my upstairs neighbor -cooing with delight - has stolen some of it.

I did not mean to insinuate anything was wrong with the shea I got, only that because all I had worked with before was the grainy, refined stuff from FNWL I just didn't know what to expect.

It is really neat, and I'm glad I place a 10# order with the coop!

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