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Biggest Wicks Available

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That doesn't refer to whether they come primed and pre tabbed or not.

The LX wick is a uniquely braided, coreless, flat wick manufactured with stabilizing threads that ensure an optimum burn profile. This allows for a very stable and consistent flame, which minimizes, or eliminates, carbon buildup (mushrooming) while reducing afterglow, smoke and soot.

Formerly known as CD and CDN wicks respectively, the Stabilo and Stabilo KST wicks are coreless, non-directional, flat braided wicks with a special paper filament woven around them.

The HTP wick is flat braided in design, but with thin paper fibers intertwined. The result is a cleaner burning, self-trimming wick with additional structural strength, controlled curling and a hotter, more efficient flame.

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I think they are all flame throwers...IMO

When wicking requires a wick of that size....I back down and double wick.

Is there a large wick available, that is slightly less "flame thrower-esque"? I'm really trying to get my 3.25" container single wicked and am having trouble. I know it's not a huge container, but, with certain oils, some of the larger wicks aren't even working.

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All those wicks you mentioned (CD, LX and HTP) are all primed and pre-tabbed wicks. From what I understand, Square and Flat Braid wicks come in a roll and are not primed or tabbed. Someone correct me if Im wrong.

Actually, Candlewic will prime and pretab just about any wick, including square braid and flat braid.

Here's a section on wicks from Candlewic that may help you find some of the information you're looking for. http://www.candlewic.com/candle-wicks/pop-spools.asp

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Rank them according to what??? There are bigger....square braid and flat braid, plus citronella wicks are HUGH! :cool2:

Chris, what did you mean here? You mentioned that square and flat braids are bigger, however the ones that I referenced ARE square and flat braided. What did you mean? Which wicks do you know, other than Citronella wicks, which are bigger?

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Chris, what did you mean here? You mentioned that square and flat braids are bigger, however the ones that I referenced ARE square and flat braided. What did you mean? Which wicks do you know, other than Citronella wicks, which are bigger?
Plain square braid can be bigger than practically anything. I haven't ever used anything close to the largest one. I suppose the problem for containers is they aren't very rigid, besides the fact you have to prime and tab them yourself.
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CC What do you mean by "Formerly known as CD and CDN wicks respectively, the Stabilo and Stabilo KST wicks are coreless, non-directional, flat braided wicks with a special paper filament woven around them." ??

Unless something has changed very recently, the CD & CDN has not changed into anything. They could not have changed into Stabilo or KST. They are directional.

By the way, I would never use a huge wick. IMO they are dangerous. I also would just double wick.

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