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air bubbles

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I know that I need to pour slowly to avoid air bubbles, but it seems like I can't pour slow enough because I have lots! of tiny air bubbles. How slow do I need to pour? Or is there something else that could be causing the air bubbles? Thanks for your help.

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I use 100% soy flakes from Mill Creek. I normally heat to around 180 or 185 and pour when the wax is just past being cloudy--still liquid enough that it doesn't splatter when I pour--normally between 100 and 105.

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People often suggest that not heating the wax too high when melting helps reduce the air bubbles. I think it might be true. Maybe hold the line at 175-180 and see if that helps.

By the way, I've never really noticed any advantage to pouring really slowly. We're not looking to make a milkshake, but otherwise you can just dump it in there as far as I'm concerned. As you've noticed, it doesn't make any difference with the bubbles anyway.

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I hadn't considered that it could be fo. I think that they are air bubbles though because it is most obvious when I use a heat gun to get rid of some of the frosting--I just suddenly have tiny bubbles all over the jar surface that rise to the top and dissapear.

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Yup, that sounds like too much heat. I would back it down a bit like Top suggested. If that still doesn't work, I would try a diff. thermometer and see if you get the same reading. I once had a themometer that was misreading my wax temp.

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So then I should probably just heat until everything is melted (checking temp just to be sure it is 160 or above), add fo and dye to wax in a preheated pour pot and then pour when it is cool? That would actually be a little easier because I feel like I'm constantly checking the temperature when I'm melting.

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So then I should probably just heat until everything is melted (checking temp just to be sure it is 160 or above), add fo and dye to wax in a preheated pour pot and then pour when it is cool? That would actually be a little easier because I feel like I'm constantly checking the temperature when I'm melting.
I personally wouldn't worry about going up to 170 but you could follow the 160 advice too. One additional thought is that I like to heat slowly and gently stir to avoid hot spots or overshooting the temp. That can be helpful too I think.
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Thanks! You have all been so helpful. I'm going to try your suggestions today as soon as I get my delivery. I never know when to expect it--sometimes 1:00 and sometimes 4:00. Oh well, at least it shows up I guess.


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