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Things I have learned...

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...I though after taking a hiatas for several months I would come back and take it slow..but obviously other powers have decided that I should not..lol

so I thought I would share the good, the bad and the ugly of my adventure in this biz and hope you all can gain something from my experience.

So here is my story..waring it may be long. :rolleyes2

I closed by biz down because it was consuming my life..my kids ..my hubby had no time with me and I was not even working a real job..when I got a job it got even worse..so I closed shop and did not even touch b&b or a candle for several months...one day the bug bit me to try again...did not think much of it..went to a little church function took a few candles and some left over B&B I had made up..mostly milk bath and about 10 scents of candles.. well now all of sudden I am getting orders out the yin yang..ok..great..will take it slow..NOPE..

eveyone is asking me for things I have made in the past but do not carry..so hubby says to get my website back up as long as it does not overtake my life..THANK GOD for the job I have..I have a slow paced office job with lots of down time while I am working on projects that require me to be at my computer while waiting for stuff to scan..I got my website rebuilt in 3 days while at work..whooo hooo..on friday I get it pay for it and attach paypal and my domain..set up email etc.

sooooo hubby and I sat down and make a goal together..to have a shop open by christmas of 2007. I have 1 1/2 years to grow what I have..make a biz plan..clean up some bills and present this to someone to try and get a loan to open..I estimated $12,000 to open with 6 months of expenses as well.

*****Make a biz plan***** there are templates out there if you do not know how..You would be amazed at what I had floating in my head and ideas..that once I put it on paper it came together and made sense..and it is a goal..and I am not changing things unless necessary.

I have a huge problem with indeciciveness(sp?) and I have learned that once I decide on a packaging not to change it over and over..one it is costly and two I will never be able to 'brand' my products that way..I learned this from Lifestyle Ceo..you should check that out sometimes..it is on talk radio on the internet..anyway.

If you have goals and they are written on paper and you look at them often you are more likely to stick to them and achieve them. I cannot belive what I have accomplished in the past 3 months without taking time away from my family.. I spend 1 to 2 hours a day on my biz while at home..that is it..including being on here..not county my down time at work.

i have totaly revamped my product line..thinking clearly about what sold and what did not..removing items that did not..fixing problems like the aluminum bottles getting banged up when shipped..I changed to a clear bullet bottle..fixed that. HA!

I have realized you cannot have the lowest price and make a profit.. I have changed my pricing to reflect my area but not be so low as to sell myself short..

Things are happening in my biz now that I am sitting back, relaxing and not stressing over the little things..I have a new contact today at a Christian gift shop in the next town and they are going to call me about my bath & body and candles.. things are just falling into place and I am more excited than ever about my business.

Things to ponder!

Stick with one packaing idea..and work out the flaws

Changing packaging will cost you more $$ in the long run

YOU cannot do everything for everyone ..just becuase someone wants a particular scent it may not be in your best interest to get it...if it will cost you alot of time and money to add it to you line..ie; brochures, testing, etc etc.

Make a biz plan ..no matter how small or long.. I have every single detail I can think of even the layout of my shop in my plan..the color of the floor etc.. and I add to it as I have ideas.. and remove as I find out something wont work. I sat down and estimated all my opening costs and was suprised at all the little things I forgot about..like ummm..a SIGN and how much it would cost to make it...or have it made.

Buy in bulk when you can..if that means you only carry 5 products instead of 10..it the long run it will pay becuase you profit will be higher and you can add as your income raises.

and fianlly do not take away time from family or friends becuase you are so caught up in what you are doing..be orgainzed and watch how you spend your time...sitting at the computer can rob you of your time if you loose track of what you are working on.

Set goals and stick to them.. if you say I am going to master lotion..do not start bath bombs half way through and get stressed out cause both ain't workin out.

Do not cut corners.. if it costs you more money to do it right ..spend it.. becuase you will not get return customers if you do a half A$$&@ job.

Ok..rambled enough..just some lessons I have learned..thought I would share..and I hope they can help someone else.

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Good points Rachel. I agree about the packaging. I thought about changing packaging but after considering the cost of unused packaging and having to buy new ones, I was better off sticking to the same ones, at least until it finished.

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Set a few hutches in someone elses store, do your website. some fall shows and fundraising. Store will suck too much time for the amount you may make in it.

Well I don't totally agree with that..I had a shop in 2003 and the ONLY reason I closed was because hubby said we were moving and to start packing it up..well we ended up deciding not to move for many reasons and I regreted it everyday since then. I was making a profit and not taking one cent out of the personal finances for the shop by the 3rd month in business. Mainly becuase I had low overhead and I sold more than just candles and bath & body..I had a full gift shop, craft store (I made wreaths and swags), had home decor in there and specialized in making gift baskets..which I can encorporate some of that in the new shop. There are people who if they run their busines right can turn it into a profitable buisness..I have learned alot of lessons over past several years and have lots of management experience...so I do not see a reason why my shop would not eventually make a good enough profit that will be worth us making the investment.

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Set a few hutches in someone elses store, do your website. some fall shows and fundraising. Store will suck too much time for the amount you may make in it.

I strongly disagree with that also.

I think that MOST of the success of a business is organization, planning, drive and marketing.

I would dare say that a lot of us dream in having our own little shops filled with what we love doing.

I think that you hit the nail on the head. People should really take what you said seriously and self reflect. I have come to many of the same conclusions that you did and it took years to figure it out. (The packaging issue is a HUGE one.)

Best of luck to you. It sounds like you have really reflected and have a clear goal ahead.

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