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Rustics with 1343??

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Ive read alot of posts about ppl that have done beautiful rustics with 1343. I, on the other hand, cannot get a rustic with this wax. All I get is surface pits and bubbles. I want frosty and it just aint werkin! ;)

Im pouring at 150 into a frozen mold, I added 2 tbsp stearic to 1 lbs wax...the only other thing I can think to do is add more stearic. Anyone know what the problem is? I have never had a good rustic wax and I searched the message boards before I went shopping for wax and I thought 1343 was a good one. Now Im looking at 4045H but the only place I found it is Candlewic. Any advice??

PS, this is kinda the look Im goin for



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Personally, I'm not very fond of 1343 wax. Have not had much success in getting it to burn without bulging, but I have made some of my best rustics with it. However, Top recommeded the 4045H wax, which is a Candlewic blend, and it is proving to be the best all round wax for me. I use it for both mottles, and rustics. You should give it a try.

The best thing I can do to help is to tell you what I did with the 1343. This is per pound of wax: 2tbs stearic, 1/2tsp vybar, 1oz FO and dye chips. I poured at 145 into a room temperature (72 degree) mold, and I pour quickly! I have found that in order to keep some of the frosting on the candle, and not in the mold, ensure that your candle is adequately cooled. I always wait overnight before unmolding (is that a word????LOL)

Good luck - let me know how you get along.....


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MM, those are some purdy ones.

Candlelovr, about those floaties you mentioned in the other thread, it sounds like something I've seen when adding FO at too cool a temperature and they've gone away when the wax gets hot enough. Could that be it?

Even though you're pouring cool, you'll want to heat up the wax to 180 or something like that to make sure everything mixes well. A bit of a pain to wait for it to cool down, I know.

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Awesome..thanks guys! Now i have 2 things to try! I really want that look in the pic above...that is with 1343 right? or was she showing me what 4045H looks like? Gonna go remelt this fugly and hopefully next time I'll unmold a beauty!

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MM, those are some purdy ones.

Candlelovr, about those floaties you mentioned in the other thread, it sounds like something I've seen when adding FO at too cool a temperature and they've gone away when the wax gets hot enough. Could that be it?

Even though you're pouring cool, you'll want to heat up the wax to 180 or something like that to make sure everything mixes well. A bit of a pain to wait for it to cool down, I know.

I dont remember what temp it was when I added the FO, but I normally add it as soon as I take it off the heat which is usually around 190-200, and then I let it sit until I gets to the right temp. But thats definately something to keep in mind..thanks top!

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Even though you're pouring cool, you'll want to heat up the wax to 180 or something like that to make sure everything mixes well. A bit of a pain to wait for it to cool down, I know.

Yes, heat to 180, scent, color and wait. I scent the whole thing, then pour some out to color for each layer. the color won't mox well if it's too cool. I've gotten great rustics with 1343 using this method.

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Ok Guys...I remelted, forgot to add more stearic (i was gonna put in 1 more tbsp) but I poured at 145 into a room temp mold instead of a frozen one. If this doesnt work, I'll add more stearic and see if that does the trick! Wish me luck!

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You will likely get a lot of bubbling and pits at that temp. The low temp is what causes the irregular surface in a Rustic. The stearic gives the white "frost" lines. 145 is awfully cool. If you don't care for the effect, try a tad hotter.

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