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Dehydrating CP to quicken cure rate?


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I'm guessing that circulated dry air (heater vent in winter) would help whisk away the damp evaporation from the soap. That's in essence what a dehydrator does.

I've been reading Cavitch's book, and she talks about curing soap in low humidity. That's what made me think about my dehydrator. It's not like I use it for food anymore. :laugh2:

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Okay my question is wouldn't it just be easier to discount the amount of water used?? When I made my soap I used a recipe that AJ posted and the water was discounted and it didn't take very long for the soap to cure.

Mags...you trying to sneek a new batch into the swap?? :laugh2:

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Well yeah, discounting the water would have been nice...if I hadn't been too chicken $^!# to try it. LOL!

Truth be told...I got redisgusted with my soaps and trimmed them again. They were still quite soft on the inside...so now they're soft on the outside again. (sigh) I don't want you guys to get a baggie full of squish for the swap, so I thought I might try to power-dry them tonight. :embarasse

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Well if it's any consolation I am still shredding up soap that has to be 2 months old by now and it's still soft. I remember being told it was going to be that way no matter what, because I certainly couldn't dream that up lol!

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Dreaded Orange Spots. The beginining of rancidity - oils oxidizing. They will usually show up after a few months, spread, and may be soft and funky smelling.

Hard to see in this pic, but there's a golden color top right, and top left, a bit in the middle too...


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I use it for myself, if it doesn't smell really off. I remove it from other soaps because I've heard that it's "catching" :) not sure how that works but better safe than sorry. That was a test batch that was never for sale - if I had that happen with a batch I was planning to sell, I'd probably pull it from inventory and watch the whole batch for awhile.

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i had that happen with a lavender soap once. i used some EO in it with FO. would using eos have any thing to do with it going bad or will this happen with fos. the smell never did get off tho it was rather strong.

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