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what kind of things can you custom scent while your customer waits?

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I wanted to make sure I'm not missing all my bases here. But I'm starting a scenting station/bar in my store & would love everyone's input on this one.

There basically with be a couple stops at the bar. Select your scent, select your base & select your bottle size.

I think I'll have restaurant guest check books on the bar with pens, so they can fill out their own order & then this can be stuck back into the bag as they leave, so they know what they've selected. Actually, now that I typed that out loud, I'm seeing custom printed slips so they can check mark the product, insert fragrance name & it will list all the ingredients of that product, etc.

OKAY, so here's my question...what am I missing.

Body Lotion - I think I'll have two/three maybe more selections.




Sprayable maybe?

Massage Oil

Body Oil

Body Spray

Perfume Oil

Room Spray

Linen Spray

Do you think I could do custom scenting with a body scrub base too?

I'd like to make as many of the bases myself. Its just I need to nail down the formula %s for lotion to make it mixable relatively easy.

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You could do Body Sprays too.

If you use Cyclo & FCO with FO you culd mix up the Cyclo & FCO base in a gallon jug with a pump then just add the correct amout of FO for the size bottle then fill with the Body spray mix.

Just a question... Are you basing this off of Bath Junkie http://www.bathjunkie.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi and have you been in one of there stores to see their set-up?

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This has really caught my attention since you posted this..

? How do you mix it in the bottle? If it is a thick lotion and you pump it into the bottle and add FO how do you mix it so the FO goes all they way through the lotion..and not just in some areas?

Same with scrubs and such..Would you mix it in the container? or in a another container and then put it in the one they take home?

My mind is going nuts here trying to figure this concept out.

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Not to burst your bubble about your vision, but have you checked with your insurance provider about coverage for this type of service? Are you letting customers mix their own fragrance into the product, or are your responsible for that? Also, how sanitary will things be at the bar with people handling everything?

If you are making your own bases, are you prepared to have everything lab tested? It sounds like you might be opening yourself up to a huge liabilty issue. Everything sounds very simple, but the first time someone shows up with a bottle of lotion with mold growing in it, or gets a rash, that could mean big trouble.

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Customers wouldn't mix anything on their own. There would only be sample sniffers, sample bases & a display of the bottle sizes available.

If I currently make my own lotion...am I supposed to be sending out each and every batch for testing? Right now I make small gallon batches & package them right there, but that could throw a wrench in it all. I'd gladly buy bases instead & pay for them to use my own recipes.

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Actually, I'm basing on a company that's in Madison, WI that's been there since the 70s. The Soap Opera. I remember going there many times & picking your scent from little dram vials & telling them from the chalk board what you wanted...they popped back into a secret room and came out minutes later with a generic labeled bottle, handwritten fragrance and viola. Custom for you.

I haven't heard anything spectacular about the Bath Junkie shops. Sterile, black & blue...

Nectarine also offers a start up package for this same type setup.

The majority of my shop is soaps & soy candles. I also have my own scent packages that would have coordinating scents for layering, etc. But how easy is it really not to waste inventory until THEY decide what they want to smell like. But its also set up for a candy manufacturer at one time. So the walls are approved, stainless sinks, stainless table, etc.

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I think it is a great idea! As long as you are careful. this day and age anyone can sue anyone for anything so it does not really matter someone will always find fault in something you do so why not do what you can to be happy as long as it is done with the best of care.

I heard about doing a lotion bar type thing a while back and I did not even know Soap Junkie existed until this post. I checkd out there site and WOW $45,000 Just to own one...and then adhear to their decor etc...darn I would do my own thing.

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I think its been a concept around for quite some time and if you search on the net, there's plenty of people out there doing it.

I do think itd be best for me not to make my own base though unless I do them in drums. Now there's an idea!

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