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This is the second time that this has happened. I poured the soap in the mold put the top on and wrapped a towel round it-peaked at it a coupla hrs later and there they were-little bubbles on the top. So I left the top off but that didn't seem to help-they are still there. What am I doing wrong??

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Could it be pockets of air?? Maybe your incorporating air bubbles when you mix..... do you keep the SB away from the surface as that's how air will get into the batch. When this happens you can bang your mold on a hard surface to force the bubbles to the surface before the batch sets up. Also like a candle you need to pour the soap slowly into the mold as the bubbles could sneak in then too... just a thought :)

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Nope, no saran wrap, I have a wood soap mold with a wood cover. Today when I checked it I can't really see any bubbles on the very ends, but in the middle I can still see bubbles, and it still looks a little oily there also, perhaps they will go away?

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The oils were between 105-110 and the lye was-I think 120-125. Maybe that's the problem? I know I read the lye was supposed to be around 100-110 but I just get too stinkin impatient. The FO was soothing sandlewood from Millcreek. *Duh* You know, now that you mention it- the top does remind me of the "brains" example on the millers soap page-only a milder version.

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I like to soap with my oils and lye around 100. Sometimes I get too impatient and soap with at higher temps. I find that when I do this, I have more problems with my batch than if I had waited just a little bit longer.

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The oils were between 105-110 and the lye was-I think 120-125. Maybe that's the problem? I know I read the lye was supposed to be around 100-110 but I just get too stinkin impatient. The FO was soothing sandlewood from Millcreek. *Duh* You know, now that you mention it- the top does remind me of the "brains" example on the millers soap page-only a milder version.

I bet that's what happened. I don't know anything about that fo or even sandlewoods in general. I don't take the temperature of my oils or lye water anymore. I like the lye water to be room tempertaure and the pan my oils are in to be coolish to the touch.

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