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Questions about my candle..

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Something I forgot to ask about my candle..

What should I do different to get rid of the wet spots? The longer its setting up, the larger the wet spot is getting. I warmed the jar in the oven like suggested.

Also, theres an odd look on the top of the candle. I want to say it looks like cheese cake, lol. I dont know how to explain it.


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We haven't figured out how to get rid of wet spots either. To get rid of the cheesecake look on the top, we use the hairdryer on warm/low speed to melt just the top surface of the candle, then when it sets up again it is smooth.

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Best advice I can give you is to not worry about the wet spots. All the big candle co. have them, and people really don't care if they are there, we are the only ones who care, we really are our worst critics.

Some waxes will pull away from the sides of the glass, therefore, no wet spots, but most of the waxes leave a wet spot or two.

You'll just stress yourself trying to get rid of them, cause sooner or later it will come back when you think you've taken care of the problem.

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What you can do about the wet spots is choose a wax with excellent container adhesion and learn to use it well.

It's a combination of the wax and the procedure that can minimize wet spots. Some waxes won't stick very well no matter what you do. Other waxes can be very resistant to wet spots, but only if you do things a certain way.

For paraffin based container blends it's generally a matter of pouring at the optimal temperature for the wax and then cooling the candles very slowly. Some kind of styrofoam box or insulated cooler is the best bet.

The choice of container can have a lot to do with it too.

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You can't get rid of them at all. You can try to alleviate them, but they are really out of your control. I would worry more about making a candle that burns properly. :)

Yep.... I agree with AngelaVa...

You could drive yourself crazy with making the Perfect Candle. You, as the candle maker, will notice all your imperfections so much more than MOST consumers...

But if you have a quality candle that burns correctly and smells wonderful, that is what MOST of the public is looking for. IMO

Wet spots will occur with temperature change. Your candle may start out wet spot free, but I have found that if my room temperature changes, so does wet spots on my candles. This is from the wax shrinking and expanding..

Unless you can keep all your candles in a temperature controlled environment at all times.. Wet spots are just gonna pop up and disappear. IMHO

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Thanks :) that would explain while as the day went on the wet spot got smaller.. Heh.. I expect it will get larger as the day goes by. I'm in Texas, so the drastic weather changes I think are having their affects. That's cool though, I'll let it set for a couple of days and then I'll burn it and find out how that goes. :) Thanks again

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Right now all of my jars have no wet spots. I'm pouring in an un-airconditioned room with a temp of 85*-90* but as soon as I move them into the store with the temp. change they will get wet spots.

I have found it's not what you do to make a candle but how you store them to avoid wet spots. But like I said, when you move them into a different temp. that's when you get wet spots.

You can't control wet spots, you just have to learn to live with them!!!

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