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Trying to get a Yankee Wannabe candle done!- 2nd try pic is added

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Here is my wannabe yankee candle.

The purple was poured 1st and it was perfect.. I guess I didnt wait long enough because I stood the container up straight and then poured the second color and it melted some of the purple. I am going to work on another one again . I am determined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First pic is mine, second pic is what I want it to look like



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Here is second attempt. When its completly dry, I will hit it with heat gun, but I am getting it straighter .. About 10 more times LOL .. I waited until the 1st pour was completly cool and did this 10 degrees cooler than first pour and I still got it to where the first part started melting .. Maybe I should go lower on temp again


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I think it looks wonderful Christina! You sound just like me with your determination. I haven't been able to master tilted layers yet, but I swear, if I accomplish one thing and one thing only in this lifetime... it's going to be a tilted layer!!!! :D

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Here it is.> Couldn't wait to take a picture so it's still a little ugly, but finally got it to look like I wanted it too. Ughhhh All day and 3 16 oz containers later..

Scented Amber Romance (lighter shade) and Pomona's Garden ( darker) Fo's from Greenleaf. Love these scents


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I've been trying to get my mind around these...I guess I'll have to get into the lab now to start testing. I just always thought that to get it so evenly down the center there must be some kind of insert or something you had to put in...my mind keeps telling me that if I tilt it enough to get it dead even, all the wax would spill out! Guess I'll just have to try myself...LOL I must be a glutton for punnishment giving myself more testing to do :shocked2:

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The wax would run over if you don't use the lid as a "stopper".. Yes, the lid will get wax on it once you take it off to do the second pour but, nothing that a heat gun on low wont take care of. But actually its container wax so it should just wipe off with paper towels.. ( havent cleaned the lids up yet) You have to tilt it somewhat when pouring to make sure you get enough in there , put the top on tight, then lay it down. Then I take the heat gun and on the outside, make sure the wax that may have slushed around inside is melted for the next color. It was a lot of work for me and will probably charge more for this kind of candle down the road but it was worth it. :-) Only took me 3 tries :-)

If you need help, just let me know


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