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Call me stupid, but.....


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Ok I'll fess up- I have no idea what tallow is- or lard for that matter.:embarasse I have heard of them but to go buy some I have no idea where to go. Can you get it at the grocery store? I looked in the oil section and didn't see any.

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I have never used lard or tallow but I think tallow is the fat from a chicken and lard is beef fat.

I saw a big bucket of lard in the meat area of my wal-mart once.

Ahhh- so thats why u say "lard ass" vs. "tallow ass" cuz beefs more fattening then chicken, well unless yer talking fried chicken. Ok ok I will shut up-hey it's been a long day......

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My grocery store has lard in 1# blocks (like butter) in the refrigerated section, near the dairy products/eggs. I have seen tallow in the meat dept., but it generally has some beef stuck to it still. I'm sure it could be rendered to remove the meat, but there's a bit of work you'd probably not want to have to do. ;)

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Ahhh- so thats why u say "lard ass" vs. "tallow ass" cuz beefs more fattening then chicken, well unless yer talking fried chicken. Ok ok I will shut up-hey it's been a long day......
LOL Good one!

I use lard in one of my soaps and it is great! Nice hard bar and pretty good lather.

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Ahhh- so thats why u say "lard ass" vs. "tallow ass" cuz beefs more fattening then chicken, well unless yer talking fried chicken. Ok ok I will shut up-hey it's been a long day......

No, Mountainmadness is right. Tallow = Cattle or sheep; lard = pigs

Tallow might also be deer or elk, IIRC.

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