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I need moral support. these wetspots are nuts!

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The candles I made yesterday now have wet spots.:sad2::cry2:

Im not totally upset but more disapointed. But Im not sure If I should be that hard on myself. After reading all these posts for the last 4 months I kinda expected that wet spots are gonna happen. I dont know why I get so upset when I see them on my candles. I cant wait to go to craft shows this summer and fall and examine all the candles. Maybe If I see wet spots on other peoples candles Ill feel better...lol....

And I read that customers dont care about wet spots they hardly even notice them but something inside of me doesnt believe that.

Is there anyone out there that uses a parasoy blend and never gets wet spots? im sure thats a stupid question but im just curiouse.

I guess one day ill get over it and move on.....but until then :cry2:

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Guest EMercier

That's how I felt especially with the soy, but I sold those quicker than my other ones and I was shocked. What I did was look at other candles that people swear by. I.E. Dollar store, yankee, and Michael's. Trust me, we aren't the only ones with them! Depending on the color and if you label right, they might not be that prominant!

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yup- wetspots don't seem to matter to my customers (soy candles here)

They drive me nuts...lol...lol

Depending on the size of your jar, if you wait a day or too, you can sometimes "hide" them w/your label, etc. I also use scrapbooking stickers to "decorate" the jars too.

was in Walmart yesterday- WETSPOTS GALORE!!!!

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Trust me - Customers will NOT notice your wetspots. They are too busy shoving their face into the candle to smell it to really notice much else. I have been selling for a little while and not one customer has ever said anything about them. Go to a Yankme store or target/wal-mart and the candles you see will have wetspots. I honestly believe that your time and energy are better spent on other things because you cannot control them. I stopped thinking about them last fall and haven't looked back because I personally came to believe that it was a waste of time to attempt to control the uncontrollable.

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My customers haven't said a thing about the wet spots either. Like AngelaVA said, most of them have their faces in them - LOL! I think they care more about how they smell.

Go to a Yankee store, Wal-Mart, Target, etc. You'll see the wet spots in their candles, too. Before you started making your own candles, did you ever notice them? I know I didn't! We are harder on ourselves than our customers are!!

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My customers haven't said a thing about the wet spots either. Like AngelaVA said, most of them have their faces in them - LOL! I think they care more about how they smell.

Go to a Yankee store, Wal-Mart, Target, etc. You'll see the wet spots in their candles, too. Before you started making your own candles, did you ever notice them? I know I didn't! We are harder on ourselves than our customers are!!

You're absolutely right. I had never even thought about wetspots until I started making candles. I certainly didn't notice them when I was the one buying candles. I think that we get very wrapped up in making the "perfect" candle, but there really isn't any such thing.

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Thanks guys I feel much better. I was in the grocery store yesterday and noticed some candles and I told my hubby "look at all the frosting and wet spots on these candles" He just laughed and looked at me like I was crazy!


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I never even knew what a wet spot was before making candles.

i have always made soy candles. I dont pay attention to rough tops or wet spots. my customers LOVE my candles because they smell good all the way to the bottom!! they could care less what they look like:wink2:


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I never noticed wet spots until I started making candles too. The fact that they bother you just shows your desire to make a great candle. We've all been there but soon realize its part of making candles and what you really want besides a safe candle is a centered wick, good melt pool and good throw.

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I didn't notice wet spots until I started making candles either. Chances are your average customer won't even notice unless you point it out.

My soy candles seldom get them, but my paraffin ones are notorious. There ain't much cure for it unless you keep them at a constant temperature -- doggone impossible unless they are just meant for museum pieces. LOL

Edited two ficks a speling mistayke. :D

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I have never noticed before either. I went to a market show last weekend and saw them on most of all the candles their. Before making my own, I didn't care about wet spots. All I cared about was the scent and if it was strong enough. I try to keep that in mine when testing. People are going to remember your candles more by the scent throw, imho.

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Add me to the list of people who never knew/cared about wet spots until I started making my own. Some of the expensive candles I've purchased have been literally Wet Spot City yet I never even picked up on it. My sole,100% judgement of a candle (in the past) was how strong it smelled & if the color was pretty.

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I don't know what type of wax you use, but some of them are made to

"contract slightly away from the container"...I don't have a clue why this would be a selling feature, but there you have it.

If the wet spots bother you, warm your jars, or blast the sides with the heat gun.

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