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MP soapers!

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Hey all you M&P soapers out there!

I am looking to add a M&P line to my shop this year and I want to come here and get it from ladies I know and love :P

Ok, here is what I am looking for:

Colorful palm trees, tropical drinks, flowers, funky cool stuff, flip flops, sparklies - the works. Look at my site and you will kinda see where I am going with my M&P line. I want to have them wrapped with the plastic (no shrinkwrap) and up to you with the label or not. Ideally I would like to put my own label on there too, but I am interested in keeping your name and information on the soaps themselves.

Interested in having your soaps in Utica? Please email me at KristinesShower@aol.com with your ideas, samples and pricing. I will then give you my address to ship me your samples, business cards, pricing list, etc and my sister and I will be making a final decision sometime in June.

I will be paying for all samples and shipping MYSELF - I don't expect any freebies.

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Wow, Kristine that's very thoughtful of you to help out your fellow CT's. I wish I had enough products under my belt or I would apply myself. Good luck on finding the best candidate to help you out, I have a few suggestions on who's ideas would fit well with your company but I'll keep them to myself. ;)

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Not an M&P soaper, but just wanted to say it's very cool of you to be buying the samples yourself. I often get requests for free samples and it's so refreshing to see someone who is actually buying their samples. Hope you'll find exactly what you need for your store!

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I've had alot of people ask what I am interested in (as far as the look) and I googled some m&p soaps to show:





Yes, yes I know these are Primal Elements and no I am not looking to buy from them. I couldn't even think of it when there are so many talented M&P soapers on this message board!

I just wanted to give you an idea what I am looking for.

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Yep!! Lots and lots of you guys! Thanks so much when we come to what we decide it will definitely be a close race.

If you are interested, please email me and I will send you my address. Send some samples along with your business card and price list and let me know how much I owe you.

My sister and I will be going through all we get for the next couple of weeks and make our decision from there.

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