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Two questions about pillars........

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Okay gang, have two questions about making pillars:

If you are making a rustic and you want to layer it w/mulitle colors. Is the process the same, pour a little in bottom of mold, then slosh it around the sides, then pour to the level you want? Normally when I have made a rustic that is one color, I pour a little bit in the bottom, get the a layer of wax sloshed on the sides of the mold (up to as high as I can without spilling) then pour the rest relatively fast in the mold. If I am sloshing in layers, do I just slosh up the the point I am pouring that color? Then repeat with the next color (after appropriate cooling)a Boy I hope this makes sense, I have almost confused myself...LOL

If you are making a pillar without fragrance oil, how much mineral oil do you put in to replace the FO? Can you use anything else besides mineral oil?

Well if anybody would like to attempt to weed thru my inability to ask a question, I would appreciate it :cheesy2:

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It amkes perfect sense. Do you want the layers to blend? I do and slosh, pour and slosh. If you want segragated layers, I would guess you would slosh below the level of that color.

I've never made an unscented pillar so I can't help you with that, but unless you are attempting mottles I wouldn't think you would need to add any mineral oil.

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Georgia - thank you so much for understanding and answering my questions. I do want them to blend, so I will do what you do. I have been fiddling with pillars for about 6-8 months, but haven't taken as serious as I would like to. Thanks again! I got confused on the pillars and mottling and the oil thing. There was a post about it sometime back, but I couldn't find it. I think you are right, if you don't want the mottle then you shouldn't need it.

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I remember a discussion a while back about making unscented rustics. Mineral oil apparently affects the aesthetics and gives you more frost, so you could still experiment with it if you like. I think the amount is kind of open, but you could try like 3% or so and see what difference it makes. The frost seems to come from the stearic/oil ooze at the surface as it cools.

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Okay, I will play a bit. I think I will make one with mineral oil and one without and see what the difference might be. I was thinking the same thing as Scented regarding amount (FO=mineral oil), but I don't think I got it from anywhere, just thunk it...LOL. I do remember something about using mineral oil for mottle like Georgia said, but dang Top you may be right about the "ooze" effect. Thanks again helping me and taking the time to discuss this, it really helps!

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As far as the mineral oil = FO question I guess I just see it in different terms. The question is equal to what? You can use FOs in all different amounts. Each one is different in how much it throws or mottles or oozes. With the mineral oil I don't think there's necessarily a right amount, just whatever gets you the effect you like.

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