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trying to make a recipe


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I am driving myself crazy trying to make a recipe with the oils that I have. I came up with: coconut oil 20%

crisco 25%

shea butter 5%

soybean oil 20%

olive oil 10%

sunflower oil 10%

safflower 10%

But the hardness, cleansing, bubbly lather & INS seem to be low, does anyone have a suggestions? Maybe I have a bad choice of oils? Should I up the % of olive? I have played for hrs- I think I need to take a break, lol.

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I think that crisco has the same SAP as soybean. I think it's quite similar too, so I think you should lessen the crisco and soybean, and up the olive oil. You do not have enough, I would say. I usually use about 20-30% in a recipe.

This change in oils makes all the right numbers although the INS is still about 10 too low,

so any other ideas would be helpful.

coconut oil 25%

crisco 20%

shea butter 5%

soybean oil 15%

olive oil 25%

sunflower oil 5%

safflower 5%

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Not sure what your views on Coconut oil, whether you believe it drys out the skin, but here are a few recipe's using the oils you have on hand.

Olive 40%

Coconut 30%

Crisco 30%

Recipe #2

Olive 40%

Coconut 30%

Crisco 25%

Shea 5%

Recipe #3

Olive 45%

Coconut 30%

Crisco 20%

Shea 5%

Hope this helps out a bit,


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With 40% Olive Oil, that bar could get expensive. Although the high % of Olive will make it less drying if you use the higher % of coconut.

I have heard that coconut is drying too, in larger %'s. I have felt bars that are drying and some that are not......I'm not sure that certain person's %'s though. Depends if you superfat your soaps too.

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i think the way you had the recipe would work. it might take a little time to get hard.i would take the Crisco 25% out and put lard but that is me.i have made bars with what you got they was good. i do not like the high olive oil.try it the way you had it. i use to think the numbers should be higher on the calculators. but you can not get one higher with out lowering something else.

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I make one soap with about 30% coconut and nobody's complained about it being too drying. It is a milk soap, however, so there are lots of nice fats added there.

Some folks seem to be sensitive to it, but I have dry skin and coconut doesn't bother me at even 25-30%.

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