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Tarts Vs Candles

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I have a question. If, while testing an FO, I make an 8oz container candle and then make a few tarts with the left over wax - even if the candle doesn't throw, the tarts do?

Even if I leave the candle for two weeks to cure, we all know that some FO's just don't work well in soy. But this really isn't the case. If i burn my jar for the correct time, get a full meltpool 1 inch deep and still don't get a throw then I assume that the FO doesn't throw so I try different wicks, and the decide that the FO im testing is not for me if I just can't get it to throw hot or cold.

BUT, if I then go and heat a wax tart made from the same batch - then that throws like crazy, and because I have a very small well in my burner, I only get about 1 inch of melted tart wax - so it can't be the size and depth of the pool created by the burner.

It's so weird. But I suppose it means that for and FO i bought that didn't throw in candles, I can make tarts from. I have not once created a tart that doesn't stink the whole room out in less than hour.

Anyone have any answers?


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