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Is every time as shameful(or good) as the first time?

Guest Milkmaid

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Guest Milkmaid

I couldnt stand it another minute. I tried to resist but when I actually started having dreams about whipped shea I knew it was time to put in "the order". I used the reasoning that " it's almost mothers day ".

The supplies came monday (late!!:mad: to late to even think about starting) and tuesday I spent most of the morning re-reading every post I could find about Kimberly's whipped shea.

The only fear I had was the actual whipping time. In my reading I discovered that the time frames varied between whipping the "snot" , "pi**" or "sh%t" out of it. :wink2: I chose to start with whipping the "snot" out of it and move up the scale if needed. Well let me tell you, at the "snot" stage, it had easily doubled in size. I decided to tempt fate and continue on to the next level. Within seconds of hitting the pi** stage, my beautiful concoction had gone to almost three times it's original size and I decided that it was now time to get it into jars.

Once again the brilliant people here saved me time and trouble and I put it into a ziplock and piped it into the jars.

Here, gentle readers , is where the the shameful(or good) part begins.

I stood for a moment to admire my work and then turned to the clean-up. My kitchen aide had a few splops of whipped butter on it and I used my finger to wipe it off and, of course not wanting it to go to waste, I started rubbing it into the back of my hand.

Then I turned to the wire whip. It was a shame to see all that wasted fluffy goodness go to waste so I started to rub it on my arms. ( Can you see where this is going ?)

Next I looked at the bag that I used to pipe it into the jars. I thought "you know, if I cut this bag open, I could rub all that yummy stuff on my legs !" ( It worked like a charm by the way)

Next I moved to the paper towel that was used to rest my spatula on.

I decided that this would make a perfect applicator for my face and guess what? It was!

I now moved on to the spatula. Here is where it really gets embarassing.

The only place I hadnt rubbed this wonderous elixer was on my back. I looked at the spatula and thought "why not?". I took off my shirt and bra and I scraped out every last bit of whippy goodness from the bowl and started rubbing it on my back with the spatula. While it wasnt the most efficient way of applying it , it got the job done.

I stood there for a minute or two and let it soak in and then reality started to soak in as well. I was standing in my kitchen at 2 PM , naked from the waist up with a huge smile on my face.

Is it going to be like this every time I make " The Whip " ?

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You better put a warning ("X" rated, ok "R", well now a days "PG-13") label on this thread. You could write a steamy novel with this thread, where's the gorgeous hunk to carry you into the bedroom to finish rubbing it all over and then.......


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:rockon::laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Thanks for the great belly-laugh this morning! Your saga brought tears to my eyes...

More power to you! There is absolutely no shame in using every bit of your great concoction! Would be shameful to waste it, right? :cool2:

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Guest Milkmaid


I think I had the "and then" moment right there in the kitchen !


I think your right but is it always going to be like this? I'll have to get black out shades for my kitchen.

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LOL! What a funny saga. I have done that with my body butter after I get it into containers. I clean up the stickblender, the bowl and the spatula with my fingers and wipe it all over me. That is the best and most fun part of making body butter.

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Thank goodness the electric meter reader guy did not happen to peek through your window right then! Actually I can imagine the situation in your kitchen. The first time I made body butter my whole kitchen got very oily. DH said, "I see you have buttered up the kitchen". Now, after much practice, the routine has been much improved and it is no longer a mess.

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Guest Milkmaid

Thank you gals for letting me know that this behavior was somewhat normal.

Actually Robin I did eat some but it was purely accidental. I was scraping the bowl down while it was whipping and some flew into my mouth.

I had already scented it with Mango Mantra ( one of ICS's new Juice Bar scents). It didn't taste bad and I swear I could taste a slight bit of mango.

Cindy, I am a bit accident prone in the kitchen. My Hubby has had to take me in for stitches 3 times in 14 years. Could you imagine how this would have ended if I had put this on my feet?

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Thank you gals for letting me know that this behavior was somewhat normal.

Normal you say....I think expected is the word..LOL

I have stripped down many times after making a batch of lotion to use up the remains! I never waste a drop~ :highfive:

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Thank you gals for letting me know that this behavior was somewhat normal.

OMG! Thanks for the laugh! I am not laughing at you though ..... I am laughing with you! For a minute there I thought I was reading about myself!!

I don't see this as shameful at all! I personally would find it shameful to waste it. :D

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