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Fundraiser turn around time

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Been doing fundraisers a while now & recently had a complaint my down time was too long. I've always done a 3 week lag time to allow for ordering additional product (if I need it) & no-one blinked. This time someone blinked & I'm just curious if y'all think 3 weeks from the order receipt date is too long for fundraiser order fulfillment? Thanks :)

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IMO, it's a little long. I say 2 weeks and strive to get them done early.

Was the turn around time listed in your paperwork so that they knew ahead of time (before deciding to use your fundraiser)?

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I agree, 3 weeks is a little bit too long. I actually start pouring my candles for fundraisers before they even place their orders. I'll tell you what. They are surprised when they get their candles in a week to a week and a half. Exspecially when I tell them two weeks for delivery.

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Im guess i must be in the minority, as thats what I do, 3 weeks. In some of our other fundraisers at school/Chruch etc..Cookie dough, candy etc.. we have had to wait 3-4 weeks as well. I think if you are making handmade products people expect to have a little wait. just my experience and never had a problem. Just make sure you let them sell no longer than 2 weeks, as people who buy at the beginning and then waited several weeks to even have thier order turned in , let alone processed ..thats what makes it excessive. again JMHO :)

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That doesn't seem too long to me - heck, Girlscout cookies take months to come!

I was going to say the same thing. I had been involved in my share of fundraisers when my three kids were in school, and I think a 3-week turnaround is reasonable. I've had to wait much longer than that before.

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I agree and always say a 3-week turnaround--I've never actually taken that long, but I like to allow it in case a supplier is out of stock on something and I have to wait--doesn't often happen, but sometimes!

I'm a little on the fence about a fundraiser right now--I finished it less than a week after it was turned in, called the team mother last Thursday night and left a message telling her it was ready. She didn't return my call on Friday so I called again to be sure she got my message. She did and said she couldn't pick up the order until Sunday afternoon. OK--it's still sitting on my dining room table on Wednesday. DH asked me about it last night and I told him I refuse to call her again--she knows it's ready; I have my money; and I'm being stubborn. Of course, this is a small town and it may be my business name that gets dragged through the mud..........

What would you do?

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She probably forgot, this time of year my kids are into sports & my life isn't my own = I'm running everywhere. Leave her a message asking when you can drop the fundraiser off that should remind her ~I bet shes apologetic & swings by tonight.

btw, everyone thanks for the tips. It's funny I've been doing this one way for so long that sometimes I forget that it's good to get other views. Who knows? I might need to make some changes.

I've never taken 3 weeks to fill an order but the bigger fundraisers do take a while & I feel better leaving a little cushion of time (sticking with the 3 weeks) rather than be frazzled & rushed. thanks again


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