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Worried about my CB Advanced

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I had to make 48 candles today for a show in just over a week - i know they should cure longer but I'm just running out of time!

I had to buy new wax, I usually get CB135 but they ran out so I had to get CB Advanced. They're setting up nicely with the smoothest tops I've ever had...BUT - I just can't smell them. I realise they need curing, but with CB135, if you sniff the surface of the wax it really smells gorgeous as soon as they're set. But I'm sniffing and sniffing at the CB Advanced and I can smell nothing!

I'm worried - does anyone know if this is normal and it'll get better? If it doesn't, I just can't take these candles. Is there anything I can do? I already loaded them with 1.5oz per pound using FO from several different suppliers - the only one I can smell is Rosemary Mint from Peeptoad Hollow!



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It will get better very soon. You may find they don't throw as well as the CB-135 but they should look real good. Be careful not to trim the wicks too short if you see a little dip in the center. They set up smooth but not always as flat as CB-135.

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Thanks Top. All of the candles have set super smooth with no dips. There are no puckers, pocks, streaks, swirls or dips - they're like ice-rinks. The problem I've got is that when I take the lid off a candle poured with 135 and smell the wax, it strongly smells how it should. But when I take the lid off a candle made with cb advanced - it simply doesn't smell. I asked my sister, my husband AND my dog to have a sniff and they all said that they could barely smell it. This has me worried that they'll not throw, and of course they have no cold throw.

I'm about to remelt them and blend with paraffin as I can't think of anything else to do in such a short space of time. Is this a good or bad idea? i'll put perhaps 20% paraffin into them to help with throw?

Both the candles I sniffed (135 and advanced) were made at the same time - I used the last of my 135 and then started on the advanced.


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I usually get CB135 ... with CB135, if you sniff the surface of the wax it really smells gorgeous as soon as they're set.


If you don't mind sharing,,, what type of wick do you typically use with your CB135? I'm in the testing phase with this wax, and can't seem to get a hot throw... Thanks for any help!

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on pretty much every container I use that is 3" or more, I use CD22 - you really have to wick up to get a good meltpool and hence a good throw. The CD22 is for "extra large" containers of 4.5 to 5 inches, but you need that extra inch or more (what girl doesn't??) when using soy - it's working out pretty good.

I'm also testing RRD55 at the moment and that's working good too. For my smaller tins and jars, I use CD16 or CD12.

Hope this helps!

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oh bum. the show's not "just over a week" I'm getting my dates mixed up - it's SATURDAY. Oh buggeration! it's 2.30am right now, hubby is asleep and dog is snoring on his sofa bed, so I can't go out and start playing with candles or I'll wake them up.

That leaves just 2 days of curing on candles that don't smell at all.

AND, I've burnt the end of my nose with FO - stinging like hell.

Today (Yesterday) was not a good day, but hey - at least the sun was shining for the first time this year!


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actually, i made some tarts with the left over wax and put them in the fridge so I could re-use the moulds on the next batch of candles...they've just come out and smell waaaaaaay stronger than the actual candles...how's that work seeing as it's the same wax, just cooled quicker?

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It's gonna be interesting seeing those candles burn with CD-22. That wax melts much more easily than CB-135. Scent throw aside, aren't you worried about selling candles that you haven't really tested out? At least burn one before the show and see how it does.

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yes I plan on test burning tonight or tomorrow and if they don't work out I won't take them. There are only 2 candles (16oz tins) that have CD 22 - the rest have CD 16 (8oz) and w44-24-18LT for the 4oz ones.

Sniffed the tarts I made with the left over wax from each batch this morning and they smell so much stronger than the candles. Not sure why this is?

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I had to make 48 candles today for a show in just over a week - i know they should cure longer but I'm just running out of time!

I had to buy new wax, I usually get CB135 but they ran out so I had to get CB Advanced. They're setting up nicely with the smoothest tops I've ever had...BUT - I just can't smell them. I realise they need curing, but with CB135, if you sniff the surface of the wax it really smells gorgeous as soon as they're set. But I'm sniffing and sniffing at the CB Advanced and I can smell nothing!

I'm worried - does anyone know if this is normal and it'll get better? If it doesn't, I just can't take these candles. Is there anything I can do? I already loaded them with 1.5oz per pound using FO from several different suppliers - the only one I can smell is Rosemary Mint from Peeptoad Hollow!




You wouldn't still happen to have the Lot # from the side of your box for the CB Advanced do you? The reason I ask is that we had a shipment into Ontario, Canada and NGI stated that they had modified this batch based on weather conditions. Well the lot I received had terrible cracks, frosted like a bugger and had absolutley NO hot or cold scent throw. We immediately sent it all back and requested a new Lot #. I think it was Lot # 60908 that we were not satisfied with. I could basically tell by the texture of the wax. The old Advanced you could sqeeze in your hand and it would form a shape, my hands had a greasy residue afterwards and prohibited me from touching any glassware. The new Lot was more like their PB blend, if you sqeeze a handful of the flakes, they crumble almost like sugar and my hands were completly dry. If your not getting cracks or frosting, you may have the good stuff and need not worry, the cold throw will pick up after a couple of days.

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just squeezed a handful and its definately greasy and sticky - not brittle like the PB. Had a go a PB and it does crack, where as this advanced stuff doesn't - so I think I have a good batch.

I just use a wax tart which I made from the lavender batch last night and it stank the house out - so at least I know the hot throw is working OK. Got a banana cream pie candle going at the moment to test the CD22 and despite only being made perhaps 15 hours ago - it's throwing well.

Only problem is, you can't smell the damn things when you sniff the surface - and if this doesn't improve then I'll lose sales as people pick the tins up and give them a sniff before buying - if it doesn't smell, they'll think it won't throw.

crossing all my fingers and toes for this one!

Are there any cheats I can do to make the candle smell from the tin? Paint some FO on the surface or something? I know, i'm sound desperate but the show is saturday and I know the candles hot throw so I need to convince people of this!

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Are there any cheats I can do to make the candle smell from the tin? Paint some FO on the surface or something? I know, i'm sound desperate but the show is saturday and I know the candles hot throw so I need to convince people of this!


I wouldn't do that. If it were me, I wouldn't do the show. I would be too afraid my candles wouldn't be right. I am huge on testing, testing and testing more. If I knew my wax was different, I wouldn't be confident enough to sell one candle. I don't judge a candle throw by the way a tart smells - I test burn each scent in each jar with each wick to be 110% certain.

I feel for you - it is a shame that happened with your wax. :(

JMO. ;)

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I'm ok if I don't take these 48 candles as I have about 60 already, but these were a new size tin (8oz and 4oz) where I usually only did 16oz.

Have been testing today and the 16oz with the advanced using CD22 is burning perfectly. I started it at 11.15am, it's now 2.15pm and it has almost reached full meltpool - there's about 2 or 3 cm to go - and that is exactly spot on for the size of candle. The hot throw is very good too - the whole room smells of banana - i have no idea why I chose to burn this one as I can't stand banana scented candles! There are candles burning in 6 other rooms, all from the same batch using the same wax and all are behaving perfectly with their respective wicks - CD16, CD22 and w44-24-18LT.

If the tests work out OK then I'll take them, if they don't - then I won't be short of stock.

Thanks to Topofmurrayhill for advising me to hang tight and stick with the candles - as each hour goes by, the candles get stronger and stronger each time I give them a sniff.

Am in the process of setting up my stall in the dining room as I got new tables and display stands - will post a photo later on when I'm happy with it for constructive criticism.

Thanks everyone for being so helpful!


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