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In search of a small jar

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Hello all,

I hope I'm posting this in the right section.

I'm looking for small (2 oz) apothacary jars. The kind some of the big compaines sell, I think they're also known as a sample size jar. I've found the hex jars, but would really like the others. Is there anyone who can point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.


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Thank you all for the response.

The smallest I've been able to find is 4oz. But I know that Y... Candle sells the small sample jars. I think they're 2oz, maybe 1.5. I thought maybe I'd be able to find them online, but no such luck, at least not in the apothecary jar, lots and lots of the hex jelly type though:smiley2: . It could be something they have made just for them.

Thanks for your help


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Are you sure that the 2oz does not reflect the net weight? I have a 5oz apothecary but with how it is shaped maybe the 2oz is the weight not the fluid volume of the jar.

You may want to order a sample of the 5oz since it might be exactly what you are looking for.

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I orderd some 4oz jars, and these are much too large. They're nice, but not exactly what I was looking for. I was looking for something that could be given away as a sample, or even slipped inside a stocking. The jars are small, I'd say that they'd hold the same amount of wax as a votive. The only other thing I could compare them to would be those sample jellies that are in those sausage and cracker gift things, sometimes given as gifts around the holidays :undecided .

The only place I've seen these jars is at the Y candle shop.I even had a few at one time, but that was long before the candle making bug got ahold of me.

I know I can find the small jelly jar in 2 oz,which is what I'll probably end up with, but the apothecary jars just seem to have a nicer look to them, IMO.


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Thank you:smiley2: . That and another site is where I found the 1.5 and 2 oz jars. I could be completely off, but I'm almost positive the jars I'm looking for is that size. I went to the Y Candle site and the smallest jar they have is a 3.75oz. But the jars I have filled in my kitchen hold 4oz, and that's not the size I had long ago. The jars I had in the past would have been half the size of the 4oz jar.


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Thank you everyone for your help:) .

I've been looking all over for those small jars, and driving everyone in my home crazy:p . The sites that were sent were very helpful. Wicking them is a whole differnt game though lol. The ones that are almost too small to wick might be nice for the people who like a wickless candle. Those seem to be real popular here.


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