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Rebatching Question

Grumpy Girl

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I've never had a lye heavy batch before, so I'm not sure of the best way to rebatch it. I'm thinking that I can chunk it up (It's super soft) add a little water to it and cook it down in the crockpot.

If I have a 3lb batch, how much water should I add to it? It's way soft. Maybe even some goats milk added instead of water?

How the heck do you know it's done?

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Don't toss it yet.. Give it another day and see if it still zaps...

Yes and if it's still too soft you can rebatch it. I wouldn't add any additional liquid to it though since it's still "soft" and fresh and new! If any, maybe a tbsp of coconut milk or something like that.

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Grumpy I made a batch a few weeks ago and was sure it had lye pockets-it zapped the heck out of me. I left it sit out of laziness more than anything and now it's fine. Took a bath with it and my skin stayed on :yay: . Maybe give your soap some time.


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I had a batch once that was too soft - never did figure out what was wrong. I let it sit around for months and it did harden up sufficiently to shower with, though it never did get as hard as it should be. Maybe let yours sit around some more and see if it gets better?

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I cubed it up and offered it to the Crock Pot Gods last night. Over all it went really well, but it's going to have to sit on the rack for a little bit to dry out. I added a tiny bit of goatsmilk to it just to get it in there. It's still harder after the rebatch than it ever was before. The only thing I don't like about it, is the fact that it's oatmeal colored now. I guess that's due to the GM?

I beat the tar out of it too when I put it in my kelsei mold, so it came out looking like regular CP. Love it!

I did discover that I actually like to rebatch... yup, I'm weird.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK Sharon I need to drag this one outta hiding as I'm going to do some rebatching for the first time.

So you cube or shred, put in crockpot, and then ---------- this is where I'm lost. What does it look like when its ready? How long do you beat that poor soap into submission (:D), and with what your SB?? and that's IT??

Also is there a site that has step by step instructions like Robin's CP instructs?

I will be rebatching 2lbs, how much water should I use? (they've cured for approx 3 months, but aren't completely rock hard ~ let's just say they were my first babies, I was scared, and use the full recommended water amount from thesage's calc. TIA :)

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I can tell you that I added a bit too much GM, but ya know, I'll keep it on the rack awhile if it means it's easy going into the mold, which is exactly how it was. I actually added about 4oz - 6oz. of liquid to about 4lbs of cubed soap that was fresh. I know it was too much liquid going in, but since it was going to be for my own personal stash, I was cool with having to wait a bit longer to cure it.

When it was cooking down and melting, I noticed it got translucent, and was like really soft taffy in consistancy. Since I got zapped when it was CPOP'ed, I zap tested it at the translucent stage and it was fine. (I also added about 1 TBSP of mango butter to it right after putting in the crock... yeah, I'm bad.) The only bad thing about this batch is that it turned dark tan, but honestly it's one of the best bars of soap I've made yet. Ugly, but super performance and after adding a tad bit more Satsuma right before molding, it totally rocks in scent as well.

I was shooting for making it as lump free as possible while being easy to remold, which I think it was. I wasn't really looking to "cook" it so I'm not sure if I can help with telling when it's done. I'm a chef by trade, so it's just something that looked "right" to me. It's hard to explain. Hopefully someone with LOTS more experience than me will chime in. Half the time I'm not sure I even know what the hell I'm talking about. Ya know?

Did I confuse you enough?

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