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A good Wisteria


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I need your help! Those of you who are familiar with Wisteria, I am looking for a great one! Strong and accurate. I tried RA's and WnW, but the smell different and I have no earthly idea what it is supposed to smell like. I have had a ton of requests for it. Has anybody compared these 2 or have any other knock your socks off suggestions? Thanks!

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I can sympathize with you. It took me over a year of searching to find a true Wisteria scent. I wasn't satisfied until I found one that I could take out and compare to mine when it was in full bloom. This one is dead-on and has been a top seller for us, but unfortunately, the company carrying it has closed :cry2: . I was panicking until Steve @ the Candlemakers Store offered to try to dupe the scent. He's in the process of working with the sample I sent him, and I would be more than happy to let you know if he comes up with a match.

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Cool! Thanks Rena. I have no idea, what wisteria smells like lol. I don't even have a bush or anything.

Didn't Peak carry a wisteria? Personally, out of the 2 I have I like the RA better. The WnW smells like Peaks Hyacinth to me.

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