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How far are you willing to go?

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Here in Naptown I am 2 1/2 hr away form Millcreek, but they don't allow customer pickup anymore. Candlemaker's Store is only about 1 1/2 hrs away, and I could start getting all my wax and some glassware from them. Alabaster in Louisville is at most 2 hours away, and they will carry all the wax I need but I need to get my Indiana tax number before I can buy from them.

In general, I would drive 4 hour round trip and buy at least 200 lb wax at a time, but right now I'm not doing enough to merit driving for supplies YET.


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The Chemistry Store moved to South Carolina the rats. Camden Grey is still in Miami and right off the interstate and soapsupplies.net is in Daytona Beach. Those are the only suppliers close by ( well Tropical Butters is 10 min. away from me but they only sell soap oils and butters ) with the price of gas continuing to go up so far it's still cheaper to have things shipped in. I don't know if living that close to 2 big suppliers is a good thing or not because I'm sure I could think of something that I wanted every day:tiptoe:

The chemistry store is not far off of 77. I take 77 almost all the way to Florida then jum on 95 and take it the rest of the way. Thanks for the tips.

It is bad. I go very frequently.

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Just got back from the big trip today! To Dallas/Ft Worth - 90 miles. Riekes for glass, AAA for wicks, Taylored for FO's and supplies, ULine for boxes, Lone Star for 15 cases wax & FO's. Oh, 30 minute stop-over at daughter's to see grandkids. HAPPY EASTER!!!!

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Well we are going on vacation Monday to Door County WI...I am picking up lots of goodies from Candle Coccon (sp)? as they are in Madison...then we are going to RI to see my husband's brother...Candlewic is on the way so I am picking up my wax and the we are passing the Jar Store on I-95 so we are picking up my jars and I am going to try some of their wax...:grin2:

However...during 'normal' times I would drive to Candlewic as they are only 4 hrs away and I would saving a ton on S&H and the Candle Source is only 3 hours away...even with gas prices the way they are I would still save...:yay:

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Hi, I haven't posted much on here, but have been reading posts for quite some time. I love message boards, and tend to get kind of crazy reading. Unfortunately, I can't make product, or sell it, from my computer:grin2:

Talking about shipping versus driving, I have been trying for the last couple of years to find someone that carries wax in the near Iowa. Does any one care to share some information, if they know of a supplier? BCN and WSP are a good 8 hours for me one way, so it doesn't pay. I use J223, 1334, EZ Soy and 4794. And shipping glassware is really killing me.

I would really appreciate any info.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I drive several times a year to the closest supplier, which is about 3-1/2 hours away from me. It's worth the trip because I pack in as much as DH's pickup will hold--last time I got 12 cases of wax, 100 cases of jars, and about 20 pounds of FO; if I don't need too many jars I can get more wax.

I, too, enjoy making the trip because I'm a shopaholic and there's a great mall on the way! Getting supplies gives me an excuse to go shopping for other things, too.

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