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Gb 444,449,464 & C-3

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Hi all,

I am new to this board but have been making candles full time going on 4 years.

I am at a point in my business that I must revamp several things including my wax.

I am currently using Calwax 119 100% soy so they claim on the soy part and it is costing me more than it is worth to work with it physically because it is in slab form and a pain to work with, load into melter etc.

I just found a supplier in my area that carries the C-3 and I can pay $50 and just go pick it up when needed, no shipping.

However, I am not used to this new wax and find I don't like the center portion around the wick to be so liquified for like 1-2 hours after pouring.

I decided to research further and found the GB 444,449, and now from your posts 464.

I know nothing about these waxes and I need a fantastic hot and cold throw 1 pour as I make the candles and they go to my customers within the next day or two after I've made them. I do not have the time to hold on to the candles to cure for a week or two. Won't happen. I am pouring 4 oz. tins to sell as samples too so people can figure out which fragrances they like in order to place orders to purchase larger candles from me that they really like.

The GB wax is more expensive as it has to be shipped to me and then I have to buy 5 cases of it and have the room to store it also.

I just don't know which one to use or the one that is the better one and ready to burn in a day or two with all the qualitys I need to be able to produce a winner???

I was told from a source that the 444 was the ultimate greatest thrower in the bunch, but I do not recall anything about the 464 on the site at GB, but am wondering about the 464 if it is the ultimate???

Of course I will test them and see, but I called Jason and left a message and have not received a call back from him to talk.

I would really appreciate your help!:confused:


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I've decided based on all the input supplied that I will use this wax!

I am so excited!!!

Now,..... how much is shipping?

I'm waiting to hear from Gateway and they are closed tomorrow, so won't get anything till next friday...wahhhh :(.

I'm happy though! :):yay:

Thanks everyone


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