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Found this recipe on the old board--can I convert it to a lotion??


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I found this recipe searching the old board. I was wanting to make it more of a lotion than a butter. Any suggestions???

60% Shea Butter

20% Grapeseed oil

20% Soy oil

1/2 oz FO per lb of finished product

2Tsp cornstarch per lb of finished product

TIA for all your help!!

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It would be possible, however, you're going to need to add hot distilled water, ewax (or an alternate emulsifier) and most definitely a preservative. If you've already made the butter portion, you would have to add enough water to make your water portion about 70% of the finished product, along with about 5% ewax and an appropriate amount of preservative depending on what preservative you're using.

Having said this, it wouldn't be the best method of lotionmaking & you would want to be certain that your butter/oil mixture was very fresh in order to reduce chances of contamination. If you're interested in lotionmaking I'd be happy to help where I can

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thanx, I am definately interested in making a lotion. I just don't want to have to buy 500 different things from 100 diferent places!! I have enough "equipment" around for my candle-making.

I want to add a soy lotion to compliment my candles. The best one I have found is from Millcreek. I just don't like the Parabens in it. I think if I were to "make" my own, I would use Germall (??).

I just thought that this recipe was so simple, but I'm not looking to do a butter-- I already have a bunch of lotion bottles waiting for me to put something in them...lol.:shocked2: Did I put the cart before the horse?

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I actually don't use stearic in my lotions, althought lots of crafters do, and love it. I just like to keep my ingredient list as simple as possible - but then I do use soy wax to thicken it a little bit.

I do use Germall Plus for my lotions, and I'm very happy with it.

AJ gave you a great guide - I'd run with that one, but you can sub the stearic for b/w or soy if you don't want to use stearic.

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As a matter of fact, yes you can use EZ soy, but only because it is 100% pure soy. You cannot use any of the blends. You will also list it as Hydrogenated Soybean Oil. I called my main wax supplier today and found all this out. You will have to "play" around with the amounts, because it will make it very thick.

Oh, and by the way, THANX AJ

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THat's what I use!

I also wanted to add that if you want a normal consistency lotion (rather than a more body butter type lotion), you will want to make the shea a lower % than your oils. If the shea is equal to or more than the oils, then your lotion will be nice and thick, but that may not be what you're looking for. For my lotion, I usually have the butters = half the amount of oils, and for the butter, it's usually the opposite.

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I just made a coupla batches- 60% oils, 40% shea and I turned out like whipped cream. I tried 50% oils, 50% shea and turned out like whipped cream, then I tried 60% shea, 40% oil and it turned out thick and gooey. I'm thinking I liked it better with more oils than shea, but still needs to be just a tad bit thicker, any suggestions?

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THat's what I use!

I also wanted to add that if you want a normal consistency lotion (rather than a more body butter type lotion), you will want to make the shea a lower % than your oils. If the shea is equal to or more than the oils, then your lotion will be nice and thick, but that may not be what you're looking for. For my lotion, I usually have the butters = half the amount of oils, and for the butter, it's usually the opposite.

thanx for the tips.....and nice website

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Hey thanks, dude!

If it's not thick enough, you can add stearic, or a little b/w, or just increase the soy wax amount. I use (I *think*) like 40 g of soy wax for a 16 oz batch. If you add b/w, cut that in half, it's a lot harder. Don't know about stearic, about 5% is the norm, I think.

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