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SOY % is 6006....any ideas?

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I love 6006. It's a great wax. I looked on the IGI website but I couldn't find the exact percentage of soy. Since they list it as a paraffin/soy blend (rather than a soy blend or soy/paraffin) I assume the wax contains 50% or more paraffin. The phone number for IGI is 1-800-852-6537; maybe they'll tell you if you call? Or maybe not, it could be a trade secret.


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I love 6006. It's a great wax. I looked on the IGI website but I couldn't find the exact percentage of soy. Since they list it as a paraffin/soy blend (rather than a soy blend or soy/paraffin) I assume the wax contains 50% or more paraffin. The phone number for IGI is 1-800-852-6537; maybe they'll tell you if you call? Or maybe not, it could be a trade secret.


I'm not sure I've ever seen them use the word soy anywhere. All their hybrid waxes are described as paraffin/vegetable blends. Strikes me as refreshingly hype-free.
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I'm not sure I've ever seen them use the word soy anywhere. All their hybrid waxes are described as paraffin/vegetable blends. Strikes me as refreshingly hype-free.

Hmmm, I'm confused now. You're correct that it doesn't say soy on the IGI website, but on the Candlescience website it says paraffin/soy blend. I guess IGI would know their own wax, but it is a little confusing.:tongue2:

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Hmmm, I'm confused now. You're correct that it doesn't say soy on the IGI website, but on the Candlescience website it says paraffin/soy blend. I guess IGI would know their own wax, but it is a little confusing.:tongue2:
That's not to say it has no soy-derived components. They just don't get that specific. Whether you read the descriptions of the waxes, or the research results in their whitepapers, or anywhere on their site, they never, ever use the word soy. I love that. Calling it vegetable wax keeps us in the realm of candlemaking instead of mystique. Seriously, I think the manufacturers of Crisco REALLY missed the boat on marketing. They could still cash in by changing nothing but the label.


Pure Soy

Advanced Eco-Cooking Oil

It's better than lard!

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Well when I use 6006 it was manufactured by BP and at that time it was 100% veggie wax. I have no idea what it is now. It was a great wax several years ago but there was no parrafin in it. It was straight veggie~ actually the first veggie wax it used It what I trained on to switch to soy. I went through about 1,000 pounds of it before it got sold and the ingrediants changed.

Then my supplier brought in the C-2 and I loved that. Finally Cargil made C-3 and I've used that ever since.

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That's not to say it has no soy-derived components. They just don't get that specific. Whether you read the descriptions of the waxes, or the research results in their whitepapers, or anywhere on their site, they never, ever use the word soy. I love that. Calling it vegetable wax keeps us in the realm of candlemaking instead of mystique. Seriously, I think the manufacturers of Crisco REALLY missed the boat on marketing. They could still cash in by changing nothing but the label.


Pure Soy

Advanced Eco-Cooking Oil

It's better than lard!

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  • 5 months later...

I just started working with 6006. I love it! The scent throw is out of this world! It is definiely a paraffin base. I asked the same question a few days ago before I got mine and I was told it's around 20% vegetable wax and 80% paraffin. It's really soft and creamy, very greasy. I didn't think I was going to like it much, but I do. Not only is the scent throw wonderful, but also it can be poured without waiting for it to cool. I am getting a little sinking though. The only thing I'm not liking about is it does sink a little.

Anyway, I've done 50/50 blends and 70/30 blends and I can tell you that to me it seems to have even less vegetable wax than even the 70/30 blend.

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