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Very disappointed and RANT!!!


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I just went and picked up my FIRST fundraiser....very disappointing!! It was a daycare center. I went in and met with the director and she was excited to give it a try!! I figured this is going to be good....WRONG!! :sad2: I gave her a few days to choose scents and then when I asked how many order forms she needed she said "at least 150" :shocked2: :shocked2: I am thinking OMG this is going to be BIG...WRONG!!

I am embarrassed to even tell you all how many of those order forms have been used!! :mad: Keep in mind they ran the fundraiser for 2 weeks....I got 5 yes 5 order forms back!!:mad: :mad: they only sold 25 candles!! :cry2: I dont know whether to laugh or cry:cry2:

I pick up another fundraiser on Wed. I pray it will be better...:smiley2:

Thanks for "listening"


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Keep your chin up.

Our kids daycare did a fundraiser this fall... IMO parents are frustrated because daycare expense keeps going up but the things that are covered keeps going down.... I think that most people are more willing to help out schools, churches, etc. true non-profits.

I am sure you will get a lot more orders from the others!

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I don't think 25 candles sounds bad. What sounds bad is that she would ask for 150 order forms. My god, how many kids are in that daycare center?

People who are doing fundraising need to keep in mind that there is so much competition out there that unless you already have established your business and have a loyal clientele, it's gonna be tough! Yankee Candle even offers candles for fundraisers for Christ's sake.

When you're a working mom going to pick up the kids, run to the grocery, rush home and make dinner, take care of the house, take care of finances, an order from for a fundraiser is probably the last thing you're gonna spend your time looking at. Who knows how the daycare center distributed them anyway.

Don't be depressed about 25 candles. I think it's impressive considering what you have to go up against! If you offer to do a fundraiser again, you might see the numbers go up because people loved your candles and will order twice as many the next go around.

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It is frustrating.

Unfortunately, from experience as a day care parent, I tend to ignore the spring fundraiser. They handed me my first fundraiser sheet when my DD was 8 weeks old. How rediculous is that? I was paying $800 a month and they wanted me to raise more money?

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Hey, that's not bad at all. I did one and they sold 6 candles. Yes, that's a 6. I am not sure what the heck the lady did that was trying to sell them but people would not buy them from her. I was happy I sold them. Oh well. I guess it was better than none.

Better luck next time!

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I am thankful for the 25 I did sell. BUT what burns me is the 150 order forms!! You see there is a big bingo hall next door and they took them over there too. I think next time I will just give her 25 forms and she can call if she needs more! That is the part that makes me so MAD. she owns this daycare and she should know ink dont come cheap!!


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I wonder if the forms ever made it over to the bingo hall. I would guess that a bingo hall might not be the best place to try and do a fundraiser anyway.

Look at what you've got there...people with a stash of cash they are hoping to turn into big bucks. They are there to have a little fun and are trying to "help themselves."

Bingo halls have their regulars, but they've also got some people who might stop in once and never return. If you don't collect money up front, who knows if you would ever see it.

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Thanks for the kind words...I only got 4 orders from the Bingo hall. Anyway...i was supposed to pick up the other one today and she called this morning and want me to come tomorrow as one parent forgot her 100.00 order. I said NO PROBLEM!! They are up over $1,000 on this one!!:yay:


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