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Is it possible to over-stir?

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If I'm adding FO at 175-180 and pouring at around 100 when slushy, I like to add the FO, then stir, then wait a few minutes, stir again, etc?

Do you think this gets in the way of the FO mixing/bonding, with the wax? Most instructions tell you to add the FO, stir, then just wait until it's ready to pour, stir once more, then pour. I like to stir throughout the cooling process (not continuously, but sporadically). Any thoughts on this?

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I used a whisk and stirred gently to make sure about the air bubbles. As for not mattering, let me ask you one thing. Is it possible for the oil to settle either at the bottom, or rise to the top? That's why I wanted to stir more.

I've burned commercial candles which had great scent throw near the top and almost none when you got to the middle or end of the candle.

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Look at it this way if you burn a candle and get a good melt pool, the scent from that melted wax is used up. When you put the candle out and the wax solidifies back up, the wax that was melt will have less FO in it so next time you lite the candle the first part of the wax to melt will have very little FO left but as soon as it reach the new wax the throw should be back to what it was.

Now the commercial candle manufacturer use the bare minimum of FO to get a scent throw as we use more as a general rule so our candle it is less noticeable.

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