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Upland Custom Molds

Grumpy Girl

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Thanks AJ. I'm definitely ordering about 4 of the small log molds when I get back to work, but I was thinking of also getting a custom slab mold instead of another kelsei. I like the idea of my grumpy girl imbedded in bars, but I'm not sure of the quality and they're not cheap.

I HATE lining my molds, hate it. I love the Misty Mountain molds that everyone is using, but I can't bring myself to buy another mold that has to be lined.

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Wow- either I deleted my reply or need coffee.

Those Misty Creek molds are the bomb. Never had an Upland.

But you can cut your costs by having a custom soap stamp made with your Grumpy. That way you can change bar size/shape if u like and still be "branded" so to speak.

I had a link- but now it eludes me. I'll find it and get back to you.

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I personally find my upland slab mold a pain in the a$$. It's hard to cut even and continuous lines. I thought with the slab mold I'd have soaps that were evenly cut, wrong. If you had a cutter to go along with it, I'm sure that would work fine. I've tried cutting with the biggest knife I own plus a tool I bought from Lowe's, I think it's used for drywalling and is about 8 inches wide.

If I were to buy again, I would much rather buy a mold that requires lining and has the dividers before I'd buy another slab mold that doesn't need lined but is one huge slab (and you cut it yourself). DH is making mine for me, soon, the plans are drawn the material is purchased, so I would be buying a mold again.

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I have to agree with Mystic Angel and Rebecca. I LOVE my Misty Creek mold, and have found the upland I have to be more of a PITA than it's worth!

I also like Mystic's idea of a stamp. Better versatility with the soaps that way.

I hate lining too, but now that I have the it down pat how to line, it literally takes me seconds to line my slab molds and maybe a minute to line my logs.

JMO- Good luck whatever you decide.

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Marisa, don't despair. There are plenty of us soapers out there who ADORE Uplands. I'm not the only one! :-) It's just a matter of personal preference. You may find an Upland is just your cup of tea after you try it. I personally would rather have a root canal without anethesia than line a soap mold.

And for those of you who hate your Uplands, I will give them a loving, smoke-free home. Send to AJ, 124 Main St., ... :grin2:

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I have three Uplands and love them all. I could never cut a straight line, no matter what, so I ended up with a Delcie Soap Cutter, as well. Between the Uplands and the Delcie, I'm in soapie heaven, lol!

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Here's a link to a thread on the Dish about a lady who had a stamp custom made. HTH.


I emailed them and they can do my Grumpy Girl with company name in a semi circle like is on the site for $50. Not too bad. I'll have to look into it, thanks Mystical for the idea, and Outlandish for the link. It's a good idea, and buttloads cheaper than the custom upland slab mold... although I'm still gonna buy the regular log molds eventually.

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