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Today was not the day to make bath bombs...


So, after the cow patties, I thought I'd try a different recipe, (No alcohol at all) and came up with this one, but I'm still not happy with it. I've never had one "pit" like this before, even if it did stay round. And my coloring... well, we'll not go there right now. I have since fixed my coloring issue.


Pfft... maybe tomorrow the BB Gremlins will leave the house. I need to recharge my ipod too. I think that's where I went wrong, it was recharging when I tried both of these.

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Ahem, and here I was planning on making you my VP...........


I haven't tried bath bombs yet, I'm dying to try a recipe I found over at the 'Dish. I like the speckled look though. Now the patty is a bit unusual. Scrape it all up and use it yourself.

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Looks good to me... especially when I am chicken to even try! My "meatballer" is sitting on a shelf in the wrapper still!

The second one does look like those textured gum balls in the machine... good marketing ploy maybe! lol

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Ahem, and here I was planning on making you my VP...........


I haven't tried bath bombs yet, I'm dying to try a recipe I found over at the 'Dish. I like the speckled look though. Now the patty is a bit unusual. Scrape it all up and use it yourself.

Aww, I still wanna be the VP! Can I have my own parking place and expense account for new earbuds?

Yup, One of the "Cow Patties" is goin' in the tub with me tonight. I scented 'em NG's Marti Gras. Love that scent.

I'm gearing up to make Rita's recipe here in a bit. Hopefully those will turn out.

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That's the recipe I'm going to work on tomorrow (if I can, it's DHs B-day).

Suuuuuuuuure, you can have all that stuff. How 'bout I throw in bi-weekly trips to the day spa for massages and pedis too? Gotta have pretty feet for all those Manolo sandals........ (this is, of course, all contingent on my winning the Powerball). I think we need more members...

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That's the recipe I'm going to work on tomorrow (if I can, it's DHs B-day).

Suuuuuuuuure, you can have all that stuff. How 'bout I throw in bi-weekly trips to the day spa for massages and pedis too? Gotta have pretty feet for all those Manolo sandals........ (this is, of course, all contingent on my winning the Powerball). I think we need more members...

Can I have a poolboy or cabana boy? Please... please?

I'll cut my spa appointments back to once a week if you'll say yes. :P

Yep, that's my problem too... Only thing is, I think I actually have to buy a ticket to win.

We do need more members. I keep getting PM's asking me about our "club". :D There is an interest.

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Ah, they're a tad flat on the bottom, so back to the drawing board. They hardened up nicely though. I made them a bit smaller and used a little less alcohol in the batch I just did. Hopefully these will stay round on the bottoms.

I cheat and dry mine on an egg tray :) I think a muffin tin would work too

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I cheat and dry mine on an egg tray :) I think a muffin tin would work too

Good idea. I have them moved into a muffin pan with paper towels cushioning the bottom since they're a little too small for the pan. As soon as my equip. is back out of the dishwasher, I'll give it a shot from the beginning and see how it works. Wouldn't you know, there isn't a egg crate in the house.

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Hey Grumpy I got cow patties tonight too thinking about doing the next batch in Chocolatelovers from SW coloring them brown and throwing them in a crate with some raffia that ought to be a big seller :) But then if I were trying to get cowpatties think I would get nice hard balls ????

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Whew, okay... my bath bomb experiment is over for the time being. I found a recipe that I can work with and have minimal failure... kinda. Don't look for me to ever get fancy with these. It ain't happening. If anyone around here wants to order these suckers from me, I'm sending them to Beverly down the road in Shreveport.

Beige: Honeyed Almond

Peach/Orange: Island Mango

Blue: Coast Soap (Type)


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Girl, it's so funny. I found out that if I built the recipe as quickly as possible and didn't really give a rat's a** what the turnout was gonna be, they seemed to set up rather nicely. If I worried and fussed with the recipe, I had bath cookies, or bath muffins. I'm sure it's just a plot by the Gremlins for total world domination.

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