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I don't know what to try making for the swap!!??


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I was thinking maybe a sore muscle balm? But then I saw that Leslie is making something similar to that.


Any ideas for me? Something that you'd like to have/try? I want it to be challenging (per Bunny's instructions) but I'm still fairly new to B&B creations, so it can't be too hard or too pricey to make.

I really really REALLY want to come up with some type of balm/cream that helps with redness. I have a store bought moisturizer that "supposedly" helps with this, but I've yet to see a decrease in MY redness. :( I just have NO idea of where to start with this?

Ok, bring it on give me some ideas, cuz I'm drawing a blank, other than the above. ;)

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I know I know I need to break down and finally make some REAL soap. :rolleyes:

I even thought of that first, But, I didn't think that qualified as very challenging, since everyone else makes that and they know it's really only challenging to those that are afraid to take the plunge and do it (insert my name here!!). LOL

I'm still thinking.......

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I know I know I need to break down and finally make some REAL soap. :rolleyes:

I even thought of that first, But, I didn't think that qualified as very challenging, since everyone else makes that and they know it's really only challenging to those that are afraid to take the plunge and do it (insert my name here!!). LOL

I'm still thinking.......

It doesn't matter if it's challenging to the rest of us. It's it's challenging to you, go for it! And start reading now! Have you seen www.millersoap.com ?

Synascents, I can't wait to see what you decide on!

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It doesn't matter if it's challenging to the rest of us. It's it's challenging to you, go for it! And start reading now! Have you seen www.millersoap.com ?

Synascents, I can't wait to see what you decide on!

Yep, I've perused it a few times, and of course been reading everything and anything everyone from here posts, so I'm kind of in the know. ;)

I don't know what's stopping me, other than I've got this huge mess b/c I'm soooooooo unorganized, and I'm thinking I need to be a bit more organized to make soap. LOL

I mean you gotta be able to find all your ingredients and tools right? paranoid.gif

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