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Can You Hear Them?

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That is just too horrible. LOL. Now I'm going to have nightmares and will probably need counselling next time I prime my wicks. I can just hear their little cries, "Choose the 24 ply, you don't really need a 30, please, please .... aaaargh!" Thanks. :laugh2:

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Network shows and movies frequently think teddy bear abuse is a non-crime. Sure they don't breathe like we do....but....then don't they? Don't they listen to you, comfort you, love you back even if you gain 10 pounds??

Feel free to ask any questions or help us add to this list of teddy offenders.


Do we need to report you for teddy bear abuse????

Or will you go for help on your own??

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:


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Poor poor Teddy - you will go to the jail for teddy bear abusers and shall have a regular dipping in hot wax to remind you of the terrible pain you inflicted upon this little innocent bear. :eek:

Ooh, since I'm going to jail and will be experiencing S&M on a regular basis with melted wax, would it be safe to assume I can have my own b***h? :laugh2:


Hey, does anyone know the best sized cello bag to use for these things? I figured since I already burned him, it would be okay to sufficate him too.

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